True/False Flashcards
Manipulation of the environment is a functional expression of the muscular system
Neurological damage above the brain stem results in flaccid muscles.
FALSE: damage BELOW the brain stem = flaccid muscles
Muscle tone is the result of the integrity of muscle fibers’ elasticity.
FALSE. Muscle tone is the result of a systematic stimulation of the muscle by the nervous system.
Muscle fatigue is the result of insufficient supply of oxygen to working muscles.
Skeletal muscles’ activity is responsible for 40% of body heat.
Collectively, all motor neurons innervating the fibers of a single muscle are called a motor pool.
One motor neuron can stimulate only one muscle cell.
FALSE: one motor neuron can stimulate several muscle cells, creating a motor unit
Grave’s Disease is a condition of hyperthyroidism.
The Posterior Pituitary Gland does not synthesize hormones.
TRUE the hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus
Anterior Pituitary Gland hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus.
FALSE this is true of the posterior pituitary gland
The main regulatory process controlling hormonal release into the circulatory system is a positive feedback loop mechanism.
FALSE: both positive and negative feedback loops are used
Hormones are synthesized in ductless glands.
Goiter is a condition resulting from excess iodine in the system.
FALSE: lack of iodine does not allow the thyroid glands to secrete hormones and causes this condition
Steroids have an impact on cells by activating receptors located on cell’s membrane
FALSE: steroids act in receptors inside target cells
Growth Hormone and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone are antagonistic to each other
At 40 to 41 degrees C, protein molecules begin to break their chemical bonds
Humans react to cold by dilating cutaneous blood level
FALSE: heat causes dilation, cold causes constriction
Thyroid secretion increases in reaction to heat
FALSE: thyroid secretion increases in reaction to cold
Fever is one of the body’s defense mechanisms in time of illness
TRUE: leukocytes are mobilized and fever can fight off bacterial infections
Low grade fever (up to about 2 degrees C) can fight off bacterial infections