True/False Flashcards
You are working as a line judge and you see the head coach on your sideline at the bench using an iPad to show game clips to his players. This is illegal.
False (1-6-2)
After the ball goes out of bounds, the clock always starts with the ready-for-play.
False (3-4-3-a)
Offensive pass interference includes a loss of down.
False (7-5-10, Table 7-5)
If Team R muffs a free kick of scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone, Team K, upon recovery, may not advance the ball.
True (6-1-6, 6-2-4)
An official’s time-out can be called for unusual head or humidity situations.
True (3-5-7-g)
It is a safety if A1 retreats into A’s end zone and fumbles the ball beyond the end line
True (8-5-2-a)
A forward pass has gone beyond the neutral zone if at any time during the pass, some part of the ball is beyond the neutral zone.
False (2-31-3)
A free kick may be made after a fair catch
True (6-5-4)
A kick ends as soon as R1 touches the kick
False (2-24-2)
Any dead-ball foul that occurs after time for a period expires is carried over to the succeeding spot in the next period. This includes any overtime period.
After a safety, unless the ball is moved by penalty, R’s restraining line is K’s 30-yard line.
True (6-1-1-b, 8-5-4)
If Team A accepts a 15 yard penalty against Team B and the enforcement spot is the B28 yard line, the next snap will be from the B-14 yard line.
True (10-1-5)
The referee shall have the authority to correct the number of the next down prior to the ball
becoming live after a new series of downs is awarded and prior to the declaration of the end of any
True (5-1-1-b)
At the time the ball is kicked, at least four K players must be on each side of the kicker
True (6-1-4)
If there was an inadvertent whistle during the last timed down of the period, the period is not
extended by an untimed down.
False (3-3-3c)
Defensive pass interference includes an automatic first down (and 15 yard penalty).
False (7-5-10 Penalty, Table 7-5)
A blindside block foul is defined as: a block against an opponent other than the runner, who does
not see the blocker approaching.
True (2-3-10)
You are the back judge handing the ball to the kicker to start the game. He tells you he has the
new “Jupiter 5000” kicking tee. You see that the tee elevates the lowest point of the ball about 6
inches above the ground. This is a legal tee.
False (1-3-4)
Only the receiver who gives a valid fair-catch signal is afforded protection
True (6-5-3)
A multiple foul is one or more live-ball fouls by each team resulting in offsetting penalties.
False (2-16-2-e)
A free kick which goes out of bounds belongs to the kicking team.
False (5-1-3-e, 6-1-9)
. If a touchdown is scored during the last down of the fourth period, the try shall not be attempted unless the point(s) would affect the outcome of the game or playoff qualifying.
True (8-3-1 exception)
When a try is replayed, the snap may be from any point between the hash marks on the yard line
through the spot of the ball.
True (8-3-8, 4-3-6-a)
When the ball becomes dead following a fourth down, the clock must be stopped.
True (3-5-7-a, and b, 3-5-9)
The clock shall be stopped when an illegal forward pass is incomplete
True (4-4-4-f)
Following a change of possession, if an inadvertent whistle is sounded, the down must be replayed.
False (4-2-3-c)
Targeting is an act of taking aim and initiating contact to an opponent above the shoulders with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulders.
True (2-20-2)
It is unsportsmanlike conduct for a player whose helmet comes completely off during a down to continue to participate beyond the immediate action in which the player is engaged.
False (9-6-4-2)
A backward pass ends when it is caught, recovered, or is out of bounds.
True (2-31-6)
There can be no pass interference, or ineligibles down field, if the pass does not cross the neutral zone.
True (8-2-1)
A fumble is the touching of a loose ball by a player in an unsuccessful attempt to secure possession.
False (2-18)
Blocking is obstructing an opponent by contacting him with any part of the blocker’s body.
True (2-3-1)
A down is action which starts with a legal snap or a free kick and ends when the ball next becomes dead.
True (2-7-1)
A period shall not be extended by an untimed down if, during a down in which time expires, a foul occurs for which enforcement, by rule, results in a safety.
True (3-3-4-b)
A pop-up kick is a free kick in which the kicker drives the ball immediately into the ground, the ball strikes the ground once and goes into the air in the manner of a ball kicked directly off the tee.
True (2-24-10)
When a penalty is accepted with less than two minutes remaining in either half, the offended team will have the option to start the game clock on the snap.
True (3-4-7)
Grasping the tooth and mouth protector attached to the face mask is not a foul.
False (9-4-3-H)
In order to have a legal scrimmage formation the offensive team must have at least 7 linemen on the line of scrimmage.
False (7-2-5)
If K commits fouls during a Free Kick R can now “tack on” the foul from the succeeding spot.
False (6-1-9-b)
Grabbing the name plate area of the jersey of the runner and pulling the runner to the ground is aon illegal personal contact foul horse-collar tackle.
True (9-4-3-K)
A passer isn’t considered ‘defenseless’ until a legal forward pass is thrown.
During a free kick (kickoff) K45 holds R30 during the kick. R ends up with the ball. This penalty can now be administered from the succeeding spot.
True (6-1-9-b)
The referee shall have the authority to correct the number of the next down prior to the ball becoming live after a new series of downs is awarded and prior to the declaration of the end of any period.
True (5-1-1-b)
It is a foul for non-contact face guarding on a forward pass.
False (7-5-10)
An illegal popup kick is a live ball foul.
False(2.1.2 and 6-1-11)
The kicking team may catch a free kick in flight beyond Team R’s restraining line if no player of Team R is in position to field the kick.
False (6-5-6)
A player that has been removed from the game for one play for an equipment issue may remain in the game if his coach utilizes a timeout.
False (1-5-5)