truc recession & depression Flashcards
To fall / to slide / to decrease / to drop
terms describing a reduction or downward trend in economic indicators, such as stock prices or demands
a legal process where a lever seizes a property due to the borrowers failure to make mortgage payments
avoiding waste
being something (such as money or a commodity) of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part in paying a debt or settling an account
the global economic meltdown
a severe worldwide economic crisis affecting multiple markets and industries, such as the 2008 financial crisis
to go bankrupt
when a person or business is legally declared unable to pay their debts
to go through a bad patch
experiencing a difficult or unprofitable period, often financially
Great Depression
the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930’s
The housing bubble
a rapid increase in the home prices fueled by high demand, speculation, and low interest rates, eventually leading to a market crash
Impossible to stop or prevent; in economics often refers to a trend or force that is difficult to change
the profit in goods or money that is made on invested capital
To lay off workers
to terminate employees due to economic conditions, often to reduce costs
To lend money to somebody
to provide funds to someone under an agreement that they will repay it, usually with interest
Line up
to arrange our prepare something in an organized manner, such as securing funding or resources
a sum of money borrowed with the expectation of repayment
To make workers redundant
to dismiss employees from their jobs, typically because the positions are no longer needed due to restructuring
a feeling of mild sickness or depression
management that is careless or inefficient
a familiar name for a person
a loan used to purchase property, typically a home, when the property itself serves as collateral until the loan is fully paid off
burdened with legal or financial obligations
Pink slip
official notice that you have been fired from your job
of momentous or ominous significance
take as given; assume as postulate or axiom
To pull down
to reduce or decrease something, often used to describe a fall in economic indicators like prices, wages or profits
the naming or publishing of current bids and offers or prices of securities or commodities