troy Flashcards
evidence in archaeology and its purpose
info obtained from analysis of artefacts to interpret site and ocnstruct narrative of its history
-support/challenge theory as academic debate
study of strata in excavation site to reveal natural & cultural deposits
modern scientific techniques in arcaheology
molecular DNA analysis
survey techniques
aerial survey use aircraft/satellites to create images of land to be interpreted for archaological info
geographical survey ground-based physical sensing techniques used in archaeology for imaging/mapping
satellite photography locate sites from space using satellite remote sensing tech
-more efficient than aerial photography (takes >200 aerial mapping photos to cover same area as single satellite image)
palce where artefact is found in a dig
layers in archaeological site revealed by excavation (top is most recent)
origins and published ownership history of archaeological artefact
stratigraphic dating
relies on relationship betw successive strata/layers of a dig, oldest material lowest strata
bronze age
historical age using cast bronze to make tools and weapons
3500 –> 1200 BC (~2300 yrs)
-ppl learned to mine, semlt copper & tin to make bronze weapons & tools
-required organised labour force & skilled craftsmen
-developed agriculture & animal husbandry (surplus of food produced to feed workers (potters) and feed ruling class who organised & led society)
-led to growth of towns & cities, beginning of writing & sophisticated systems of administration to govern
CAST BRONZE, mine & smelt, LF & craftsment, agri & husbandry , towns & cities, began writing & administration to govern
radiocarbon dating aka carbon-14 dating
who devised (Strategem, scheme to deceive) the trojan horse
greeks pretend to forfeit, sail off in ships and leave behind horse
-most recognisable representation of troy in modern times
women of troy
given as spoils of war to conquering Greek generals
before bronze age
-before, tools made of stone/copper, ppl hunted for food
technological & cultural advances in bronze age led to
development of complex social structures based on access & control of resources
-social hierarchies emerged (based on status, welath, power)
-characterised by centralisation of power, ruling elite above mass of pop (craftsmen, agricultural workers)
social structures (resources), hierarchies (status, wealth), centralisation of power
bronze age civilisations located now
modern Turkey, iran, iraq
middle bronze age
greece, minoan civilisation on island of Crete centred on knossos major focus of development & trade
-2000 - 1500 bc
~1450 bc, minoans eclipsed by rising power of mycenaeans
-mycenaean civilisation flourished 1600 - 1100 bc, forerunners of greek civilisation of classical period
greece, minoans on crete (Knossos) trade, 500, mycenaens take over, 500
late bronze age troy
scholars believe when events in iliad occurred
-extensive trade & cultural exchange betw bronze age civilisations of near east and eastern mediterranean
-excavations suggest city flourished late bronze age at height of mycenaean period , contacts with aegan neighbours and hittite civilisation
-achaeans (greeks) warriors from cities on mainland greece raded into settlements around aegean sea and carried loot including slaves (men and women)
iliad occur, trade cultural exchange east, mycenae & aegean hittite, greece slaves
the gods of homer and how it reflects Homeric Age
-actions of gods in iliad reflect social structure & values of homeric age during ocmposition
-society dominated by elite families & warrior heroes
-ancient greek society saw war as necessary in life
homeric question
issues concerning homer’s identity and composition of his epics
-who? was it their true name? live? many or one?
epic cycle
oral tradition which no. stories woven together to form long narrative
-influenced iliad epic of trojan war
how are epics developed
stories derived from historical & legendary materials originated in oral traidtions of poet’s country during conflict/expansion
-original epics composed & sung/chanted to musical accompaniment not written
-formulaic language to aid memory & oral citation aka EPITHETS
heroic ideal in ancient oral epic
expressed through heroes who strive primarily for personal fulfilment
-national & patriotic sentiments less important
trojan war date & homer life
historical quality/character esp establishing authenticity or ppl & events
-sufficient evidence to prove existence/occurrence not myth
-scholars debate hsitoricity of trojan war
cause of trojan war
iliad: paris abducted helen angered ag to retreive and punish trojans
modern name for troy
hissarlik in turkey
layout of troy
several cities built over & above each other creating tell of hissarlik