Trouble Sentences Flashcards
It only takes a half hour to drive there
Kai1 che1 qu4 na4 li3 zhi3 yao3 yi4 ge ban4 xiao3 shi2
On behalf of…
Dai4 biao3
So delicious
Hen3 mei3 wei4
Looking forward to
Qi2 dai4
You are shameless
Ni3 chou4 bu2 yao4 lian3
I will see you at the same place tonight
Jin1 tian1 wan3 shang4 zai4 yi2 yang2 de di4 fang1 jian4
This pair of shoes isn’t very good quality
Zhe4 shuang1 xie2 zi zhi4 liang4 bu2 tai4 hao3
I like chatting with friends often
Wo3 xi3 huan1 jing1 chang2 he2 peng2 you men liao2 tian1
It was three days ago that we arrived
Wo3 men shi4 san1 tian1 qian2 dao4 de
Is this the second time you’ve come to China?
Zhe4 shi4 ni3 di4 er4 ci4 lai2 Zhong1 guo2 ma?
I pass by this supermarket everyday when I go to work
Wo3 mei3 tian1 shang4 ban1 dou1 jing1 guo4 zhe4 jia1 chao1 shi4
This is extremely spicy. Get me some water quickly.
Zhe4 ge la4 ji2 le. Kuai4 yi4 diar3 gei3 wo3 shui3
I don’t like anything
Wo3 shen2 me dou1 bu4 xi3 huan1
Excuse me, we’re ready to order
Ni2 hao3, wo3 men ke3 yi3 dian3 can1 le
It’s my turn (e.g. in line)
Dao4 wo3 le
Who are you calling?
Ni3 zai4 gei3 shei2 da3 dian4 hua4?
What time is your flight tomorrow morning?
Ni3 shi4 ming2 tian1 zao3 shang4 ji3 dian3 de fei1 ji1?
Can we have the menu?
Ma2 fan na2 xia4 cai4 dan1?
Response to “thank you” in Taiwan
Bu2 hui4
He always calls me at nine in the morning
Ta1 zong3 shi4 zai4 zao3 shang4 jiu3 dian3 gei3 wo3 da3 dian4 hua4
(How about) buy me some apples?
Gei3 wo3 mai3 yi4 diar3 ping2 guo3 ba?
Your (plural) children are all grown up
Ni3 men de hai2 zi dou1 zhang3 da4 le
I want one portion of dumplings (like native speakers)
Lai2 yi1 fen4 jiao3 zi
The older one is my mother
Bi3 jiao4 lao3 de shi4 wo3 de ma1 ma
I’ve made up my mind
Wo3 xiang3 hao3 le
My computer is broken
Wo3 de dian4 nao3 huai4 le
The younger one is my teacher
Bi3 jiao4 nian2 qing1 de shi4 wo3 de lao3 shi1
This song is so addictive!
Zhe4 shou3 ge1 zhen1 de tai4 shang4 tou2 le
They have been learning Chinese for two years
Ta1 men xue2 Zhong1 wen2 xue2 le liang3 nian2 le
What’s the special? (At a restaurant)
Te4 se4 shi4 shen2 me?
Cheers! Let’s drink a little more!
Gan1 bei1! Wo3 men duo1 he1 yi4 diar3
I told you
Wo3 dou1 shuo1 le
I don’t know how much Chinese you can understand
Wo3 bu4 zhi1 dao4 ni3 neng2 li3 jie3 duo1 shao3 Zhong1 wen2
How embarrassing!
Hao3 gan1 ga4 a!
I don’t care (another way)
Wo3 bu4 zai4 hu1
What is your job (another way)?
Ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2 me (de ya)?
How do we improve our Chinese proficiency?
Wo3 men zen3 me yang4 ti2 gao1 han4 yu3 shui3 ping2?
Ran2 hou4 ne?
I’m drunk
Wo3 he1 zui4 le
Take it seriously
Yan2 su4 dian3 / diar3
My leg is numb
Wo3 de tui3 ma2 le
Let’s go inside
Jin4 lai2 la
My coach yelled at me
Wo3 jiao4 lian4 xiong1 wo3
I broke up
Wo3 fen1 shou3 le
When do you normally see your family?
Ni3 gen1 jia1 ren2 yi4 ban1 shen2 me shi2 hou4 jian4 mian4?
I studied hard, and later did well on the exam
Wo3 nu3 li4 xue2 xi2, hou4 lai2 kao3 shi4 kao3 de bu2 cuo4
I did not do well on the exam this time
Zhe4 ci4 de kao3 shi4, wo3 kao3 de bu4 hao3
I haven’t seen my parents for a year
Wo3 mei2 you3 jian4 fu4 mu3 yi4 nian2 le
Let me see
Wo3 xiang3 xiang3
Let’s slack off together
Wo3 men yi2 kuar4 mo1 yu2 ba
I have a Chinese test tomorrow
Wo3 ming2 tian1 yao4 kao3 Zhong1 wen2
What else?
Hai2 you3 ne?
Hold on
Shao1 deng3
This address is wrong
Zhe4 ge di4 zhi3 shi4 cuo4 de
After watching the movie, let’s drink beer
Kan4 le dian4 ying3 yi3 hou4, wo3 men qu4 he1 pi2 jiu3 ba!
She looks cute!
Ta1 zhang3 de hen3 ke3 ai4
The dish I ordered has not yet come
Wo3 dian3 de cai4 hai2 mei2 lai2
I’ve gained weight (by eating) recently
Wo3 zui4 jin4 chi1 pang4 le
When my friends and I meet on the weekends, we drink beer
Wo3 gen1 peng2 you zai4 zhou1 mo4 jian4 mian4 de shi2 hou4, hui4 he1 pi2 jiu3
I’m probably a bit older than you
Wo3 ying1 gai1 bi3 ni3 da4 yi4 dian3
I often stay up because of work
Wo3 jing1 chang2 yin1 wei4 gong1 zuo4 ao2 ye4
It’s easier said than done
Shuo1 bi3 zuo4 rong2 yi4
He is interested in you
Ta1 dui4 ni3 you3 yi4 si
This cup is empty
Zhe4 ge bei1 zi shi4 kong1 de
My treat
Wo3 qing3 ke4
I can’t believe it
Wo3 bu4 neng2 xiang1 xin4
It doesn’t matter / I don’t give a shit
Wu2 suo3 wei4
We agreed to go watch a movie
Wo3 men shuo1 hao3 le qu4 kan4 dian4 ying3
Work harder
Nu3 li4 yi4 diar3
Do you mean sparkling water?
Ni3 shi4 shuo1 qi4 pao4 shui3 ma?
She works hard everyday
Ta1 mei3 tian1 dou1 hen3 nu3 li4 gong1 zuo4
They came first in the previous soccer match
Shang4 yi2 ci4 de zu2 qiu2 bi3 sai4 ta1 men shi4 di4 yi1
Another (one) portion (to communicate you want another portion of some food)
Zai4 lai2 yi1 fen4
My money is not enough
Wo3 de qian2 bu2 gou4 le
Don’t come to work tomorrow
Ming2 tian1 bie2 qu4 shang4 ban1
Is it cold where you are?
Ni3 nar4 leng3 ma?
She has not eaten chocolate
Ta1 mei2 chi1 guo qiao3 ke4 li4
Spring Festival is almost here, right?
Chun1 jie2 shi4 bu2 shi4 kuai4 dao4 le?
So the taste is a little different
Suo3 yi3 wei4 dao4 you3 diar3 bu4 yi2 yang4
I’ve experienced many things
Wo3 jing1 li4 guo hen3 duo1 shi4
She did not eat chocolate
Ta1 mei2 chi1 le qiao3 ke4 li4
She studied very hard (another way)
Ta1 hen3 nu3 li4 du2 shu1
In a few days
Guo4 liang3 tian1
Get out of the way
Rang4 kai
More or less the same
Cha4 bu4 duo1
I didn’t sleep a lot last night
Zuo2 tian1 wan3 shang4 wo3 mei2 shui4 hen3 duo1
What are you (plural) planning (i.e. intending) to do on the weekend?
Ni3 men zhou1 mo4 da3 suan4 zuo4 shen2 me
This thing is different than that thing
Zhe4 ge dong1 xi he2 na4 ge bu4 yi2 yang4
Whatever happens, happens
Shun4 qi2 zi4 ran2
Hurry up (another way)
Gan3 kuai4
Work hard, play hard
Nu3 li4 gong1 zuo4, nu3 li4 xing2 le4
No matter if it rains or not tomorrow, I still want to go to the gym
Bu4 guan3 ming2 tian1 xia4 bu2 xia4 yu3, wo3 dou1 xiang3 qu4 jian4 shen1 fang2
This child is inconsiderate (using a common idiomatic expression)
Zhe4 ge xiao3 hai2 zi mei2 da4 mei2 xiao3
You scared me (“you” pronoun implied)
Xia4 wo3 yi2 tiao4
Are there any specials you can recommend?
You3 shen2 me te4 se4 cai4 ke3 yi3 tui1 jian4 de ma?
I don’t believe you
Wo3 bu2 xin4 ni3
Are you good at basketball? (Another casual way)
Ni3 lan2 qiu2 wan2 de hao3 ma?
Study hard and make progress everyday
Nu3 li4 xue2 xi2, tian1 tian1 xiang4 shang4
For yourself
Wei4 zi4 ji3
Live for yourself
Wei4 zi4 ji3 huo2
What are you allergic to?
Ni3 dui4 shen2 me guo4 min3?
Let’s split the bill
Wo3 men AA ba (ayy ayy)
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Ni3 de zao3 can1 tong1 chang2 chi1 shen2 me?
I’ve had too much coffee, now I can’t sleep
Wo3 he1 le tai4 duo1 ka1 fei1, xian4 zai4 shui4 bu4 zhao2
You and me are more or less the same age
Ni3 he2 wo3 cha4 bu4 duo1 da4
We are getting married
Wo3 men yao4 jie2 hun1 le
I feel lonely
Wo3 gan3 dao4 gu1 du2
I hope your throat gets better soon (lit: I hope your throat can soon get better)
Wo3 xi1 wang4 ni3 de sang3 zi neng2 kuai4 dian3 hao3 qi3 lai2
He expressed his good feelings to me
Ta1 dui4 wo3 biao3 shi4 le hao3 gan3
I thought it would rain today
Wo3 yi3 wei2 jin1 tian1 hui4 xia4 yu3
Don’t you remember? (Pronoun implied)
Bu2 ji4 de le?
She placed a book on my table (ba3 structure)
Ta1 ba3 shu1 fang4 zai4 wo3 de zhou1 zi shang4 le
My tablet is running out of battery. Need to charge it.
Wo3 de ping2 ban3 kuai4 mei2 dian4 le. Gai1 chong1 dian4 le
Failure is the mother of success
Shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3
Be honest with me
(Ni3) lao3 shi2 shuo1
Hope you get better soon
Xi1 wang4 ni3 neng2 zao3 dian3 (or kuai4 dian3) hao3 qi3 lai2
Nothing to do with me
Gen1 wo3 mei2 guan1 xi
Are you good at basketball? (One casual way)
Ni3 da3 lan2 qiu2 li4 hai4 ma?
Are you good at basketball? (More formal but acceptable way)
Ni3 shan4 chang2 da3 lan2 qiu2 ma?
(If)… then it would be better
Jiu4 geng4 hao3 le
Wake up!
Xing3 xing3!
Don’t play dumb!
Bie2 zhuang1 sha3!
I’m afraid of ghosts
Wo3 hen3 pa4 gui3
Who said that?
Shei2 shuo1 de?
I’m almost ready to go!
Wo3 kuai4 hao3 le!
To express “never again”
Zai4 ye3 bu4… le
I swear
Wo3 fa1 shi4
Wish you a speedy recovery
Zhu4 ni3 zao3 ri4 kang1 fu4
There is a reason
You3 yi2 ge4 yuan2 yin1
What is the most famous animal in China?
Zhong1 guo2 de shen2 me dong4 wu4 zui4 you3 ming2
The thief was caught
Xiao3 tou1 bei4 zhua1 dao4 le
Let me mull it over for awhile
Rang4 wo3 kao3 lü4 kao3 lü4
Many people often drive around 65 kilometers
Hen3 duo1 ren2 chang2 chang2 kai1 dao4 liu4 shi2 wu3 gong1 li zuo3 you4
I haven’t been here for three years. It’s changed a lot.
Wo3 san1 nian2 mei2 you3 lai2. Zhe4 li3 de bian4 hua4 hen3 da4
You drank too much last night
Ni3 zuo2 wan3 he1 duo1 le
Isn’t it a little too tight?
Hui4 bu2 hui4 you3 dian3 tai4 jin3 le?
What toppings would you like (to add)?
Ni3 yao4 jia1 shen2 me liao4?
I think it should be about the same
Wo3 jue2 de ying1 gai1 cha4 bu4 duo1
What grade are you in this year?
Ni3 jin1 nian2 ji3 nian2 ji2?
I hope the class ends soon
Wo3 xi1 wang4 kuai4 yi4 diar3 xia4 ke4
Doesn’t my face look big? (Lit: doesn’t it look like face very big?) (pronoun implied)
Hui4 bu2 hui4 kan4 qi3 lai2 lian3 hen3 da4?
Can you make it cheaper?
Ke3 yi3 pian2 yi4 diar3 ma?
It’s not clear to me
Wo3 bu4 qing1 chu3
It’s a boring day
Wu2 liao2 de yi1 tian1
What’s written on the blackboard? I can’t see it clearly
Hei1 ban3 shang4 xie3 shen2 me? Wo3 kan4 bu4 qing1 chu3
I’m heading out (when you’re the first to leave)
Wo3 xian1 zou3 le
I promised you
Wo3 da2 ying1 ni3 le
How did they go to England?
Ta1 men zen3 me qu4 Ying1 guo2 de?
Rude (response to something rude)
Mei2 li3 mao4
He’s always like this
Ta1 zong3 shi4 zhe4 yang4
Sometimes it rains heavily, sometimes it drizzles
You3 de shi2 hou4 xia4 da4 yu3, you3 de shi2 hou4 xia4 xiao3 yu3
You dialed the wrong number
Ni3 da3 cuo4 le
It’s not your fault
Ni3 mei2 you3 cuo4
How do you get to work?
Ni3 zen3 me shang4 ban1?
On the one hand, I’m very sad
Yi1 fang1 mian4, wo3 hen3 shang1 xin1
This team can’t win (it’s impossible - an expression when you’re angry with your team)
Zhe4 ge qiu2 dui4 ying2 bu4 liao3 le
Are you talking about the major I studied in Guangzhou?
Ni3 shi4 shuo1 wo3 zai4 Guang3 zhou1 xue2 de zhuan1 ye4 ma?
Don’t waste anymore time
Bu2 zai4 lang4 fei4 shi2 jian1 le
Surely, you didn’t forget to lock the bike?
Ni3 bu2 hui4 wang4 le suo3 che1 ba?
The mother told her son that life in Guangzhou is very comfortable
Ma1 ma gao4 su4 er2 zi, zai4 Guang3 zhou1 sheng1 huo2 hen3 shu1 fu4
I’m dead inside
Wo3 ma2 le
You must make the decision now
Ni3 bi4 xu1 xian4 zai4 zuo4 jue2 ding4
Slang for ruining someone’s mood or making disparaging comments towards someone (lit: to splash cold water)
Po1 leng3 shui3
No way
Mei2 men2 (mer2)
Start slowly (advice)
Man4 man4 kai1 shi3 ba
Have you gotten into a school yet? (Pronoun implied)
You3 xue2 xiao4 le ma?
It’s been stolen
Bei4 tou1 le
Your muscles ache
Ni3 ji1 rou4 tong4
Please finish the assignment
Qing3 ba3 zuo4 ye4 zuo4 wan2
Please come up to the 15th floor
Qing3 shang4 shi2 wu3 lou2 lai2
In fact, I (still) went to work yesterday
Shi2 ji4 shang, wo3 zuo2 tian1 hai2 shang4 ban1 le
I’m going to bed (one way)
Wo3 qu4 shui4 le
How far is here from your house? (Casual) (one way)
Zher4 li2 ni3 jia1 duo1 yuan2 a?
How kind-hearted she is!
Ta1 duo1 shan4 liang2 a!
How did you do on the exam? (Pronoun implied)
Kao3 de zen3 me yang4 le?
Feeling much better today
Jin1 tian1 gan3 jue2 hao3 duo1 le
Who can answer this question?
Shei2 neng2 hui2 da2 zhe4 ge wen4 ti2?
He is always slacking off at work
Ta1 zong3 shi4 shang4 ban1 mo1 yu2