Tropical Rainforests WIP Flashcards
What is the climate like in tropical rainforests?
- Same all year round
- hot (20-28°C)
- high rainfall (2000mm per year)
What are plants like in tropical rainforests?
- Most trees are evergreen
- Trees are tall and vegetation is dense
- Many epithytes (orchids and ferns)
What is the soil like in tropical rainforests?
What animals are in the tropical rainforests?
- Gorillas
- Jaguars
- Anacnodas
- Tree frogs
- Sloths
What is biodiversity?
The variety of organisms living in a particular area.
What is the biodiversity like in rainforests?
They contain about 50% of the world’s plant, animal and insect species.
Why are rainforests stable and productive environments?
Because it’s hot and wet all the time.
What makes it easy for plants to grow in the rainforest?
The warm and wet climate helps fungi to decompose dead plants rapidly. This makes the surface soil rich in nutrients.
What symbiotic relationships exist in the rainforest?
Agouti and Brazil nut, Cecropia trees and Azteca ants
What is the relationship between agouti and brazil nut trees?
Agouti are the only animals that can crack brazil nuts. Sometimes they bury them which causes them to sprout.
What is the relationship between cecropia trees and Azteca ants?
Cecropia trees have hollow stems and produce foodstuff at the base of their leaves. This is an ideal home for Azteca ants. The ants fight off other insects and lianas.
How do plants adapt to conditions in the rainforest?
- Trees grow tall
- Leaves have drip-tips
- Lianas use tree trunks to reach the sun
- Trees have smooth, thin bark
- Large buttress roots
- Plants drop their leaves gradually
How do animals adapt to conditions in the rainforest?
- Strong limbs to move around
- Short pointed wings to manoeuvre around trees
- Suction cups
- Flaps of skin to glide
- Camoflauge
- Nocturnal
- Can swim
How large is the Amazon?
8 million km^2
How much of the forest was lost between 2001 and 2012?
18 million hectacres.
How much of the Amazon will be deforested by 2030 at the current rate?
Why is the Amazon being cut down?
- Commercial farming
- subsistence farming
- Commercial logging
- Mineral extraction
- Energy development
- Population growth
- Road building
Give an example of commercial farming.
Cattle ranching is the main cause of deforestation. About 200 million cattle are on about 450 000 km^2 of pasture.
What is subsistence farming?
Where forest is cleared by small scale farmers.
What minerals are extracted from the Amazon and why?
Gold, iron ore and copper is exported to boost development.
Give an example of energy development.
Construction of the Balbina Dam flooded 2400km^2 of rainforest.
Give an example of road building.
The 4000km Trans-Amazonian Highway.
How does deforestation in the Amazon cause climate change?
The Amazon stores 140 billion tonnes of CO2 which is released. 75% of Brazil’s CO2 emissions come from deforestation.
What does soil erosion cause in Brazil?
100 tonnes of topsoil per hectacre are lost a year, leading to landslides and flooding in the future.
What are some economic impacts of deforestation in the Amazon?
- Buenaventure mineing company in Peru employs over 8000 people.
- Local Brazilian rubber tappers have lost their livelihoods
How is the global rate of deforestation changing?
From 2007 to 2017, 22 million hectacres were lost per year, and it’s increasing.
How has the rate of deforesation decreased in some countries?
In Brazil, the rate has decreased by 80% from 2004 to 2012.
As part of the Paris agreement, Brazil