Tropes/Figurative devices/Sound devices Flashcards
Use of words with multiple meanings or interpretations; may create a play on words
Ex: “Brave men run in my family”
A comparison that focuses on similarities between two situations or processes
Ex: comparing braking a habit to climbing a mountain because both are so difficult to achieve
A general or observation about life, usually stated concisely and pointedly
Ex: “a penny saved is a penny earned”
Use of slang, informal language; often related to dialect (language unique to a specific region)
Ex: “dumping” a girlfriend or boyfriend
Using an indirect phrase to replace an upsetting or offensive direct term
Ex: garbage man= “sanitation engineer”; died= “passed away”
Use of insulting or angry language; often used in satire
Ex: “thou knave, thou naughty knave!”
Technique that contrasts appearance & reality, expectation & result, or meaning & intention
Dramatic irony
Contradiction between what a character thinks & what the audience knows
Ex: in horror movies, victims tend to go to the exact place where the killer is waiting
Situational irony
An outcome directly contrasts with expectations; sometimes to humorous effect
Ex: a mail bomber gets the address wrong, and his BOMB is returned to his own address
Verbal irony
A type of irony in which words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant
Ex: saying “that’s just great” when u get a cruddy grade. (It’s not great!)
Specialized language used by a specific group; may be pretentious when used when the wrong audience
Ex: teachers attend inservices to help them learn new methods of differentiation
Figure of speech; the name of one thing is substituted with the name of something closely associated
Ex: can u give me a hand with this? (Hand=help)
A statement or situation that seems contradictory or absurd but that expresses the truth
Ex: “those who speak the most often say the least.” “…so ugly that it’s cute.”
Imitation of a writers or artists style for humorous effect (and sometimes to comically pay tribute)
Rhetorical shift
A shift in tone or style meant to distinguish an important point
The use or humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and critique society’s flaws
A sensory image described using another sense unexpectedly
Ex: red as a “noisy” color; the number six described as “soft”
A form of metaphor in which a part of something is used to stand for the whole thing
Ex: “may I have your hand in marriage?” (Hand= whole person)
Text that has hidden symbolic meaning, often incorporating archetypes
Ex: Animal Farm as an allegory for Russian Revolution