Tripoblastic - Protosomes - Lophotrochozoa Flashcards
mobile, feeding structure for immobile animals
larval form like a spinning top
Moss animals
Bryozoa are colonial animals with individuals called
How do bryozoan increase contact with prey?
Oscillate and rotate their lophophore
How do bryozoan reproduce?
release sperm into water. Fertilisation is internal
arm foot
What do brachiopoda feed with?
motile lophophore
How do most species of brachiopoda reproduce?
release gametes into water
Wheel bearer
How do rotifera move?
beating cilia rather than muscular contraction
What sweeps particles into Rotifera mouth?
coronal cilia
Food is ground up in the gut of Rotifer by what?
Mastax structure
How was genetic diversity sustained before sex between rotifer?
Picking up gene fragments from the environment
What is enabled by the flat worm being flat?
Gas exchange by diffusion
What are the excretory organs of Platyhelminthes called?
(Class of Platyhelminthes) Small portions of turbellaria can…
regenerate into a completely new worm
(Class of Platyhelminthes) Turbellaria have a pharynx that is eversible. What does this mean?
It can be extended by being turned inside out
(Class of Platyhelminthes) ‘Trematoda’
Holes (ventral suckers for attachment)
(Class of Platyhelminthes) Trematoda have complex life cycles specialised for what?
Parasitism in animal tissues (generate enormous number of offspring)
The host in which the fluke matures is called
Definitive host
(Class of Platyhelminthes) Cestoda
Tapeworms are specialised parasites of what?
(Class of Platyhelminthes) Cestoda don’t have a gut. How do they obtain nutrients?
Absorbs nutrients through the skin (also helping them to camouflage)
Describe the basic bod plan of a mollusc
foot, mantle and visceral mass (not segmented)
‘Radula’ is used for feeding in molluscs, meaning
(Class of mollusc) Polyplacophora
Many shells
(Class of mollusc) Polyplacophora have how many overlapping shells?
(Class of mollusc) What are gastropoda?
Stomach foot - snails, slugs
What degree does the visceral mass twist through during development?
(Class of mollusc) Gastropoda either swim or…