Trials Flashcards
TST Trial (2021)
Targeting an LDL cholesterol of <70 mg/dL compared with 100±10 mg/dL in patients with atherosclerotic ischemic stroke nonsignificantly increased the risk of ICH. Incident ICHs were not associated with low LDL cholesterol.
COMPASS Trial (2020)
Net Clinical Benefit of Low-Dose Rivaroxaban Plus Aspirin as Compared With Aspirin in Patients With Chronic Vascular Disease
Compared with ASA monotherapy, the combination of rivaroxaban 2.5 mg twice daily plus ASA resulted in fewer NCB events primarily by preventing adverse efficacy events, particularly stroke and cardiovascular mortality, whereas severe bleedings were less frequent and with less clinical impact.
EMBRACE Trial (2014)
Among patients with a recent cryptogenic stroke or TIA who were 55 years of age or older, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was common. Noninvasive ambulatory ECG monitoring for a target of 30 days significantly improved the detection of atrial fibrillation by a factor of more than five and nearly doubled the rate of anticoagulant treatment, as compared with the standard practice of short-duration ECG monitoring.
CRYSTAL AF Trial (2014)
ECG monitoring with an insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) was superior to conventional follow-up for detecting atrial fibrillation after cryptogenic stroke.
NAVIGATE ESUS Trial (2018)
Rivaroxaban was not superior to aspirin with regard to the prevention of recurrent stroke after an initial embolic stroke of undetermined source and was associated with a higher risk of bleeding.
RESPECT ESUS Trial (2019)
In patients with a recent history of embolic stroke of undetermined source, dabigatran (Pradaxa) was not superior to aspirin in preventing recurrent stroke. The incidence of major bleeding was not greater in the dabigatran group than in the aspirin group, but there were more clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding events in the dabigatran group.
PROTECT Trial (2018)
Among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, the use of the WATCHMAN device for left atrial appendage ligation is feasible. This device demonstrated a noninferior rate of cardiovascular death, stroke, or systemic embolism, compared with warfarin alone, which was sustained to 5 years of follow-up. The rate of all strokes (ischemic or hemorrhagic) was noninferior between the groups, and there were significantly less hemorrhagic strokes in the device group.
PREVAIL Trial (2014)
LAA (left atrial appendage) occlusion was noninferior to warfarin for ischemic stroke prevention or SE >7 days’ post-procedure.
Although noninferiority was not achieved for overall efficacy, event rates were low and numerically comparable in both arms. Procedural safety has significantly improved. This trial provides additional data that LAA occlusion is a reasonable alternative to warfarin therapy for stroke prevention in patients with NVAF who do not have an absolute contraindication to short-term warfarin therapy.
CAPRIE Trial (2016)
Long-term administration of clopidogrel to patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease is more effective than aspirin in reducing the combined risk of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death. The overall safety profile of clopidogrel is at least as good as that of medium-dose aspirin.
European Stroke Prevention Study 2 [ESPS-2] (1996)
Among patients with prior stroke or TIA, combination treatment with aspirin and dipyridamole was associated with greater reductions in the composite of death or stroke at 2 years compared with aspirin alone, dipyridamole alone, or placebo. Both aspirin alone and dipyridamole alone were associated with reductions in death or stroke compared with placebo. Despite the relatively low dose of aspirin used in the trial, bleeding rates were higher in both aspirin arms.
Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes [PRoFESS] (2008)
The results of this landmark clinical trial, which is the largest secondary prevention trial in patients with ischemic stroke, indicate that the combination of aspirin + dipyridamole is roughly similar to clopidogrel (although it did not meet strict criteria for noninferiority) in reducing the incidence of recurrent strokes, but is associated with an increased risk of intracranial bleeds.
SOCRETES Trial [ticagrelor vs ASA] (2016)
In our trial involving patients with acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack, ticagrelor (Brillinta) was not found to be superior to aspirin in reducing the rate of stroke, myocardial infarction, or death at 90 days.
THALES Trial [ticagrelor & ASA vs ASA alone] (2020)
In patients with TIA and minor ischemic stroke, ticagrelor (Brillinta) added to aspirin was superior to aspirin alone in preventing disabling stroke or death at 30 days and reduced the total burden of disability owing to ischemic stroke recurrence.
SPARCL Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels Trial (2006)
In patients with recent stroke or TIA and without known coronary heart disease, 80 mg of atorvastatin per day reduced the overall incidence of strokes and of cardiovascular events, despite a small increase in the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke.
DEFUSE 1 & 2 (2006, 2012)
It is uncertain if endovascular stroke therapy leads to improved clinical outcomes due to a paucity of data from randomized placebo-controlled trials. The aim of this study was to determine if MRI can be used to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from endovascular reperfusion.
established “penumbral patterns” as predictors of good outcomes following revascularization procedures:
*Infarct size <70 mL (CBF)
*Ischemic tissue/infarct core ratio equal or greater than 1.8
*Absolute difference of of ischemic tissue-infarct core equal or greater than 15 mL
Target Mismatch patients who achieved early reperfusion following endovascular stroke therapy had more favorable clinical outcomes and less infarct growth. No association between reperfusion and favorable outcomes was present in patients without Target Mismatch. These data support a randomized controlled trial of endovascular treatment in patients with the Target Mismatch profile.
DEFUSE 3 (2018)
Endovascular thrombectomy for ischemic stroke 6 to 16 hours after a patient was last known to be well plus standard medical therapy resulted in better functional outcomes than standard medical therapy alone among patients with proximal middle-cerebral-artery or internal-carotid-artery occlusion and a region of tissue that was ischemic but not yet infarcted.
Hypoperfusion Index (HIR) greater or equal to 0.34 –AND– Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) less or equal to 0.74 = ARE PREDICTED TO HAVE POOR COLLATERALS AND A LARGER THAN 25 mL STROKE CORE WITHIN 24 HRS. CAN HEMORRHAGE FOLLOWING EVT (REPERFUSION INJURY)
DAWN Trial (2018)
Among patients with acute stroke who had last been known to be well 6 to 24 hours earlier and who had a mismatch between clinical deficit and infarct, outcomes for disability at 90 days were better with thrombectomy plus standard care than with standard care alone.
MR CLEAN, a multicenter randomized clinical trial of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands (2014)
MR CLEAN was a well designed prospective, multicenter, clinical trial involving 500 patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke with a proximal intracranial arterial occlusion who were randomized to either receive usual care or intra-arterial treatment (delivery of a thrombolytic, mechanical thrombectomy, or both) plus usual care.
Intra-arterial therapy in conjunction with IV tPA is safe and effective in patients presenting with an acute ischemic stroke secondary to a large, proximal occlusion of the anterior circulation.
INTERACT2 Trial (2013)
In patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, intensive lowering of blood pressure did not result in a significant reduction in the rate of the primary outcome of death or severe disability. An ordinal analysis of modified Rankin scores indicated improved functional outcomes with intensive lowering of blood pressure.