Triads Flashcards
- Oliguria
- Elevated peak airway pressure
- elevated intrabdominal pressure
Abd compartment syndrome
- dyspghagia
- regurgitation
- eventually weight loss
Achalasia triad
- severe abd pain
- Red urine
- abdnomal illness behavior
Acute intermittent porphyria triad
- jaundice
- coagulopathy (Abn PT, PTT, PLT…)
- encephalopathy
Acute liver failure triad
- black locks
- Occulo-cutaneous albinism
- deafness of sensorineural type
Albinism triad
- Ochronotic arthritis
- Ochronotic pigmentation (blueish/black)
- Urine darkens in standing
Alkaptonuria triad
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Achalasia cardia
- Alacrimia (deficiency or lack of tears)
All grove triad
- Sensorineural deafness
- Progressive renal failure
- Ocular anomalies
Alports syndrome triad
- the association of cystic fibrosis
- Celiac disease
- Vitamin A def
Anderson’s triad
- Atopic dermatitis
- asthma
- Allergic rhinitis
atopic triad
- increased in 1st heart sound
- opening snap
- apical diastolic rumble
Auscultatory tirad of Mitral Stenosis
- Metabolic alkalosis
- hypokalemia
- normal or decrease blood pressure
Bartter’s triad
- Muffled heart sounds
- distended neck veins
- hypotension
Beck’s triad
- recurrent oral-aphthous ulcers
- genital ulcers
- uveitis
Behcet’s triad
- Mental status change
- Petechiae (often Axilla/thorax)
- dyspnea
Bergman’s triad
** which means fat embolism syndrome/trauma**
- Glossitis
- Alopecia
- Dermatitis
Biotin deficiency causes triad
- severe epigastric pain
- retching without vomiting
- inability to pass a nasogastric tube
Borchardt’s triad
Acute gastric volvulus
- flushing
- diarrhea
- right sided heart failure
Carcinoid triad
** GI tract tumor**
- Nystagmus
- Intention tremor
- Scanning or staccato speech
Charcot’s MS triad
- Jaundice
- Fever (usually with rigors)
- right upper quadrant abd pain
Charcot’s cholangitis triad
- Jaundice
- Fever (usually with rigors)
- right upper quadrant abd pain
- hypotension
- mental status change
Reynold’s pentad
- Tachycardia
- tachypnea
- tender hepatomegaly
CHF triad
- bradycardia
- bradypnea
- hypertension
Cushing’s triad
** increased ICP**
- polyuria
- polyphagia
- polydypsia
DM triad
- abd tenderness
- skin hypersensitivity
- contraction of the muscle at McBurney’s point
Dieulafoy’s triad
acute appendicitis
- pregnancy
- vaginal bleeding
- abd pain
ectopic pregnancy triad
- young patients less then 45
- self discovered mass
- negative mammogram
Error triad
** missed dx of breast cancer**
- Aminoaciduria
- proteinuria
- Phosphaturia
Fanconi syndrome
- RA
- splenomegaly
- Phosphaturia
Felty syndrome triad
- Eating disorder
- Amenorrhea
- Decreased bone mineral density
Female athlete syndrome
- Petrous apicitis persistant ear d/c
- 6th cranial nerve palsy
- Retro-orbital pain
Gradenigo triad
- Lytic bone lesions (often of the skull)
- Exopthalmos
- Diabetes insipidus
Hand-Schuller Christina triad
- Anemia
- Renal failure
- Thrombocytopenia (decreased PLT’s)
Hemolyic uremic syndrome (HUS)
- mild ptosis
- loss of hemifacial sweating
- Ipsalteral miosis
Horner syndrome triad
- Dental abnormalities
- Interstitial keratosis (corneal scarring)
- Deafness
Hutchinson’s triad
** Congenital syphilis**
- Flank pain
- Hematuria
- Renal mass
hypernephroma triad
** renal cell carcinoma**
- situs inversus (genetic condition that causes the organs in the chest and abdomen to be positioned in a mirror image from their normal positions.)
- Chronic sinusitis and/or nasal polyposis
- Bronchiestasis
Kartagener’s triad
** primary ciliary dyskinesia**
- growth retardation
- mental changes
- edema
Kwashiorkor triad
** Malnutrition**
- Acute flank pain
- Flank mass
- Hypovolemic shock
Lenk’s triad
Wunderlich syndrome
- Metabolic acidosis
- coagulopathy of trauma
- hypothermia
Lethal triad
** shock**
- Asthenia (weakness)
- Atonia
- astasia (ack of motor coordination marked by an inability to stand, walk or even sit)
Luciani triad
Cerebellar disease
- Enuresis
- Fire-setting
- Small animal torture
Macdonal triad
** predicting future criminal sociopath hevarior**
- vomiting
- lower chest pain
- Subcutaneous emphysema
Mecklers triad
** spontaenous esophageal rupture**
- Ascites
- Pleural effusion
- Benign ovarian tumor
Meig’s triad
- Purpura
- Arthralgia
- Myalgia/weakness
Meltzer’s triad
** Cryoglobulinaemia**
- hearing loss
- vertigo
- tinnitus
Meniere’s triad
- gait disturbance
- urinary incontinence
- memory loss
NPH triad
- ACL tear
- medial mniscus tear
- MCL tear
O’Donoghue’s unhappy triad
- pinpoint pupils
- unconsciousness
- Respiratory depression
opiod overdose triad
Morphine, fentynyl
- Dementia
- diarrhea
- dermatitis
Pellagra triad
- HA
- diaphoresis
- tachycardia
- micrognathia (small lower jaw)
- Glossoptosis (tongue tends to fall back and downwards)
- airway compromise
pierre-robin triad
- hepatic portal vein
- hepatic artery
- common bile duct
Portal triad
- High BP
- edema
- proteinuria
- epigastric pain
- upper GI bleed
- Obstructive jaundice
Quinke’s triad
** Hemobilia**
- Conjunctivitis
- Urethritis
- Arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
** reactive arthritis**
- partial/complete bowel obstruction
- Gall stone in ileum
Rigler’s triad
** Gallstone ileus**
- hypotension
- back or flank pain
- pulsatile abdominal mass
ruptured AAA triad
- hiatal hernia
- cholelithiasis
- diverticulosis
Saints triad
- Nasal polyps
- Asthma
- Aspirin sensitivity
Samter’s triad
- Melena
- Jaundice
- Biliary colic
Sandblom triad
** hemobilia**
- Jaundice
- gangreous stomatitis
- Leukopenia
Schultz triad
- Asymmetric and pendular nystagmus
- head nodding
- Torticollis
Spasmus nutans triad
- stridor
- carpopedal spasm
- Convulsions
Tetany in children
- Estiol
- Estimation of hcg
triple test triad
downe syndrome
- conductice deafness
- immobility of homolateral soft palate
- trigeminal neuralgia
trotters triad
- nasopharyngeal carcinoma*
- stasis
- hyper-coagulability
- endothelial damage
virchow’s triad
- sz (absent 1/4 of the time)
- mental retardation
- adenoma sebaceum
vogt’s triad
** tuberous sclerosis)
- femur fx
- intra-abdominal or intra-thoracic injury
- head injury
Waddell’s triad
- Ataxia
- confusion
- Opthlamoplegia
Wernicke’s triad
- Fasting hypoglycemia (less then 50)
- symptoms during hypoglycemia
- immediate relief of symptoms after the admin of IV glucose
Whipples triad
- abdominal pain
- flank mass
- hematuria
Wilms tumor triad
- Kayser-fleischer rings
- liver failure
- movement disorders (dystonia and tremor)
Wilson’s disease
- hypergastrinemia
- peptic ulcer
- non-beta cell tumor
zolliner-ellison triad