Trends In Marriage And Cohabitation Flashcards
What is the trend of marriage and cohabitation ?
Cohabitation has increased and marriage has decreased
- marriage has decreased by 45% between 1972 and 2017
What are the reason for the patterns and trends in marriage and cohabitation
- Changing social attitudes
- Popularity of postmodernism ideas
- Changing role of women
What are the points for reason 1:changing social attitudes ?
- less social Pressure social pressure to marry or not cohabit
- secularisation
- creative singlehood
What does less social pressure to not cohabit and marry say ?
Use to be strong social pressure to marry before living together and marriage before pregnancy but cohabitation and no marriage is socially accepted
What survey was used to support less pressure to not cohabit or marry ?
British Social attitude survey
What year did 71 % of people agree with the British social attitude survey on those who ought to get married
What was the % of people in 2012 who agreed with the statement of the survey of those who ought to get married ?
42 %
What % and what year did believed that cohabitation and no marriage was not wrong at all in the survey ?
75% and 2012
What theorist talked about secularisation for reason 1: changing social attitude?
Colin Gibson
How was marriage viewed before and now due to secularisation according to Colin Gibson ?
Britain has gone through secularisation where religious values has weakened
Marriage is
- less sacred and spiritual
- commitment that can easily be abandoned
Theorist for creative singlehood ?
Peter stein
What is creative singlehood ?
People choose to remain single deliberately as a positive choice than being a negative thing in the past
What are the points for reason 2 popularity in postmodernism ideas
- Beck :individualisation
- Giddens: confluent love
- Giddens: Reflexivity
- Beck : Risk society
What does Beck: individualisation say ?
Individuals are no longer bound to traditional norms and seek lifestyle which fulfills individual so alternatives to marriage e.g cohabitation for more freedom
What does Giddens confluent love say ?
Individual enter into more temporary and fragile relationship so will break up if no confluent love and not tapped in unhappy marriage seek alternative
What is reflexivity: Giddens
Individuals reflect on personal lives and constantly question if they’re getting best out of life so less likely to settle for unsatisfactory love
What are the points for reason 3: changing role in women ?
- Changing women’s aspirations : Sue sharpe
- increased choice : Jennifer Somerville
- women’s greater participation in the labour force
What does changing women’s aspirations say about?
In 1970s girls future was love, marriage, children and husband but repeated in 1990 girls more confident , priority on education, careers and financial independence from men
What does Jennifer Somerville argue for increase choice in women
Idea that women are exploited by men is outdated as progression has been made in achieving equality
What example does Jennifer Somerville use for increased choice in women ?
Women have more choice whether to marry or cohabit to be single or lesbian so if men do not want to take on family
Responsibilities can escape unsatisfactory relationships
What does women greater participation in the labour force say ?
- equal pay act and sex discrimination act
- men and women must be paid the same and sex discrimination unlawful to deny a women a job based on her sex so more and more women in paid work