Trees and the Matrix Tree Theorem Flashcards
a graph is acyclic if it has no cycles
a connected, acyclic graph
a graph whose connected components are all trees
note - a forest is not a tree, a tree must be connected and a forest cannot be
a vertex in a tree is a leaf (node) if deg(v)=1
it’s an internal node if deg(v)>=1
binary tree:
a tree in which every internal node has deg(v)=3 (2 out, one to lead to it)
rooted tree:
a tree with a leaf node that is designated the root node
a vertex is isolated if it has no neighbours, isn’t connected to anything, deg(v)=0
the subgraph created from G by deleting the vertex v and all associated edges (incident edges to call them properly)
the subgraph created from G by deleting the edge e (not any attached vertices, they can stay)
a connected graph on n vertices has at least (n-1) edges proof:
base case - |V|=1, |E|=0, all by definition, which fits
hypothesis - suppose it’s true for all graphs G(V,E) with 1<=|V|<=n0, for some fixed n0
induction - consider the connected graph G(V,E) with |V|=n0+1, so we want to reach |E|>=n0. choose any vertex v and create G\v, with vertex set V’=V\v and edge set E’.
if G\v is connected still, then |V’|=|V|-1=n0, hypothesis says then |E’|>=n0-1, but we deleted a vertex that must have been connected to at least one other by an edge cause the G is connected, so |E|>=|E’|+1>=n0-1+1, so |E|>=n0
if G\v is now k>=2 connected components, call them G1(V1,E1),…,Gk(Vk,Ek) with nj=|Vj| (arbitrary number 1<=j<=k)
hypothesis applies to each component so
and cause we know G is connected, deleted v must have been connected to k other vertices, so |E|>=|E’|+k>=n0-k+k, so |E|>=n0 as desired
an acyclic graph on n vertices has at most (n-1) edges proof:
base case - K1, acyclic with max n-1 edges
hypothesis - suppose it’s true for all acyclic graphs with |V|<=n0 for some fixed n0
induction - consider an acyclic graph G(V,E) with |V|=n0+1, so we want to reach |E|=n0. choose any edge e and delete it to give G\e, which has the same vertex set V but E’=E\e. G\e must have one more connected component than G, as G is acyclic so nothing else can be connecting those 2 vertices. so G\e has k>=2 connected components, G1(V1,E1),…,Gk(Vk,Ek). nj=|Vj|(arbitrary number 1<=j<=k), nj<=n0 for all j so the hypothesis applies to each component, |Ej|<=nj-1
|E|=|E’|+1<=n0+1-k+1<=n0+2-k<=n0 (cause G’ has k>=2 connected components
if a graph G has n>=2 vertices, none of which are isolated, and (n-1) edges, then G has at least 2 vertices for which deg(v)=1 proof:
say the vertices are numbered and arranged in order of increasing degree (so deg(v1)<=deg(v2)<=deg(v3)…)
by the handshaking lemma, (n)Σ(j=1)deg(vj)=2|E|=2(n-1)=2n-2
no vertices are isolated so deg(vj)>=1 for all j
assume, aiming for a contradiction, that there is at most 1 vertex with degree 1
then (n)Σ(j=1)deg(vj)=deg(v1)+(n)Σ(j=2)deg(vj)>=1+(n)Σ(j=2)2>=1+2(n-1)>=2n-1 which is a contradiction
prove that any 2 of the following imply the third:
(a) G is connected
(b) G is acyclic
(c) G has n-1 edges
(a) and (b): a connected graph has |E|>=(n-1), an acyclic graph has |E|<=(n-1), so |E| must equal n-1
(a) and (c): assume for a contradiction that you can have a connected graph with n-1 edges and a cycle. choose some edge e and delete it for G\e. G is then still connected, and has n-2 edges, which is a contradiction.
(b) and (c): base case - |V|=1, it’s acyclic, |E|=n-1, and it’s connected by definition
hypothesis - suppose all acyclic graphs with 1<=|V|<=n0 vertices and |E|=|V|-1 edges are connected
induction - consider an acyclic graph G(V,E) with |V|=n0+1 and |E|=n0. such a graph cannot have any isolated vertices cause then we could delete it to have a graph with |V|=n0 and |E|=n0 which is a contradiction. therefore, it has at least 2 vertices of degree 1. take one of these and delete it for G\v=G’(V’,E’). G’ is still acyclic cause deleting stuff can’t create a cycle, and |V’|=|V|-1=n0 vertices and |E’|=|E|-1=n0-1 edges. this means the hypothesis applies so it’s connected, and cause G’ is connected, G must also be
spanning tree:
a subgraph of G(V,E) that is a tree that contains every vertex in V (but not necessarily all edges)
graph laplacian:
a matrix where Lij=deg(vj) if vi=vj, -1 if vi!=vj and (vi,vj) is an edge, and 0 otherwise
alternatively, L=the matrix where the diagonal is the degree of that vertex - the adjacency matrix
kirchoff’s matrix-tree theorem:
if G(V,E) is an undirected graph with graph laplacian L, then the number NT of spanning trees contained in G is given by taking L, removing some vertex (one row and one column) and computing the determinant of that matrix
a vertex v in a digraph is a root if every other vertex is accessible from v
a digraph is an arborescence (or directed tree) if it contains a root and the graph obtained by ignoring direction of edges is a tree
spanning arborescence:
a subgraph that’s an arborescence that contains all vertices of G
tutte’s matrix-tree theorem:
kirchoffs but for digraphs
if G(V,E) is an undirected graph and L is a matrix with Lij=deg(in)(vj) if vi=vj, -1 if vi!=vj and (vi,vj) is an edge, and 0 otherwise, then the number NT of spanning arborescences with root vj is given by taking L, removing vj’s row and column and computing the determinant of that matrix
fix(a) of a permutation:
{j|a(j)=j} - where it’s the same before and after permutation
symmetric group:
the identity element is the permutation for which a(j)=j for all j in the set
Sn has n! elements
cycle (permutation):
a permutation a specified by a sequence of distinct integers such that a(j)=j if j isn’t in the sequence, a(i(j))=i(j+1) for 1<=j<l (l being the length of the sequence), and a(i(l))=i(1)
brackets after i are subscript
a cycle (permutation) with l=2