Trees and Shrubs Flashcards
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
WAP Zone: OD
Leaves: opposite with reddish petioles, usually 3 lobed with coarse teeth
Bark: smooth, light gray
False indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa)
WAP Zone: T
Height: Up to 9ft tall
Leaves: alternate, pinnately compound with a terminal leaflet
Leaflet: entire; blunt tipped; midvein extended as a short abrupt point; many
Flowers: terminal racemes, dark purple, corolla appears tubular but is single petal
Stamens: yellow from corolla
Groundsel tree (Baccharis spp.)
WAP Zone: AD
Leaves: alternate, dark green, shallow lobes, course teeth, punctated glands on leaves, Flowers: stalked
American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
WAP Zone: U
Stems: long with few branches, pubescent
Leaves: opposite,, crenate=serrated stiff hairs,
Flowers: clusters in lead axils, light pink
Fruit: purple pink
Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata)
WAP Zone: T
Deciduous tree
Leaves: alternate, based lopsided, lanceolate with a drawn-out tip, small teeth point toward leaf tip; 3 strong veins from base
Bark: corky growths
Common buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
WAP Zone: D
Height: 10 ft tall
Branches: arching
Leaves: 3 opposite (whorled on new growth), glabrous (no hair), no teeth
Veins: ladder-like, sunken below surface, do not extend to leaf edge
Flowers: dense, round, white head
Fruits: hard balls (buttons)
Camphortree (Cinnamomum camphora)
WAP Zone: U
Height: up to 10 ft tall
Twigs: green
Leaves: alternate, evergreen, shiny, stiff, entire, no hairs; smell when crushed ; yellow mid-rib
Flowers: small, white; teardrop shaped, stiff, with drawn out tip
Swamp dogwood (Cornus foemina)
WAP Zone: OD
Tree: small, multi stemmed
Leaves: opposite, 1-4 cm wide, bases equal, veins pinnate and bend up into parallel edge, stretchy veins
Flowers: white, 4-parted, spreading clustered
Fruit: blue drupe
Common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
WAP Zone: AD
Small tree
Leaves: alternate, entire (not toothed), strong central vein; hairy when young, shiny and glabrous when older; no smell; black spots , veins form net pattern on bottom
Bark: square to rectangular, flat topped and separated by deep furrow
Coralbean (Erythrina herbacea)
WAP Zone: U
Leggy shrub
Leaves: alternate, compound with three leaflets with earlike basal lobes
Stems: spiny, often reddish when young
Flowers: Terminal spikes, bilateral, red, showy
Fruit: a pod with red seeds (beans)
Pop ash (Fraxinus caroliniana)
WAP Zone: D
Small tree, often with multiple trunks
Leaves: opposite, pinnately compound, 5-7 leaflets, usually entire sometimes with teeth, leaflets typically roundish
Fruit: samara with wing wider than the seed
Lobollybay (Gordonia lasianthus)
WAP Zone: OD
Large tree
Leaves: alternate, evergreen, sparsely toothed, green on bottom, not aromatic
Flower: white, large
Bark: rich brown, deeply furrowed, flat plates
Peelbark St. John’s-wort (Hypericum fasiculatum)
WAP Zone: OD
Typically: about 4 ft tall
Stems: branched
Leaves: very narrow, needle-like, edges, rolled and on short branches forming fascicles
Flowers: yellow, five petals, many stamens, pinwheel shape
Myrtleleaf St. Johns-wort (Hypericum myrtifolium)
WAP Zone: T
Small shrub (3 ft tall)
Stem: single at base, loosely branched near top
Leaves: opposite, sessile, ovate-triangular
Flowers: yellow, five petals, not in pinwheel
Speals: large, leafy, five, remain even after flowers fall off
Fourpetal St. John’s-wort (Hypericum tetrapetalum)
WAP Zone: AD
Small shrub (3 ft tall)
Open branched, not bushy
Leaves: opposite, broadly ovate, clasp the stem sessile
Flowers: yellow, four petals, form a right-angle cross
Spelas: two pairs; outer larger pair, completely encloses petals before opening, looks like praying hands
Flower: single, end of branches
Dahoon holly (Ilex cassine)
WAP Zone: OD
Medium sized tree
Leaves: evergreen, leathery, alternate, margins generally entire; bottom is smooth and green
Bark: pale, smooth
Branches: long, twisted
Flowers: white, unisexual
Fruit: red drupe
Gallberry (Ilex glabra)
WAP Zone: AD
Shrub (3 ft tall); Clonal
Leaves: alternate, thick, dark green, evergreen, few blunt tips near tip
Flowers: white
Fruits: black drupe