Trees Flashcards
How would you define a tree informally? How can it be implemented in programming?
An abstract data type for hierarchical storage of information.
In programming we can set a pointer at root and then move to an arbitrary element as they are all connected
What is a rule about elements, that root and the ends (leafs) of the branches don’t follow?
Each element has a parent and zero or more children
Can you think of some examples of trees?
Linux directory structure
Family tree
Do you remember the formal definition of a tree?
A tree T is a non-empty set of nodes storing useful information in a parent-child relationship with the following properties:
- T has a special node r referred to as the root
- Each node v of T different from r has a parent node u
What do we call external and internal nodes?
External -> leaf node -> 0 children
Internal -> 1 or more children
What about the formal definition of a sub-tree (rooted at node v)?
A tree consisting of all the descendants of v in T including v itself
How would you describe an ordered tree?
A tree where a linear ordering relation is defined for the children of each node, i.e we can see an order in each level.
How would you describe an ordered binary tree? When is it proper?
It is an ordered tree where each node has at most two children. The tree is proper if each internal node has two children (these are labelled left and right child and left comes before right)
What is an application of a binary tree?
Arithmetic expression evaluation. Easily apply a traversal algorithm on a binary tree where leaves are numbers and internals are operations.
More on programming implementation of trees, how can we access the abstract tree data type?
Using Accesor methods , root(),
parent(v), returns pointer parent node of v
and children(v), returns iterator for children which may
be empty
What are more methods that we need on the abstract tree datatype other than the accessors?
Query: isInternal, isExternal, isRoot
Generic: size, elements (i.e iterator of elements at nodes), positions (i.e iterator of all nodes), swapElements(v,w), replaceElement(v,e)
What at the complexities of tree ADT methods?
There’s another method we could define to return the depth of a tree T. What is depth of v? What type of algorithm is used to calculate this?
It is the number of ancestors of v, excluding itself.
The depth algorithm is recursive: base case, root depth is 0, step case depth of v is one plus depth of parent.
There’s another method we could define to return the height of a tree T. What is height of T? What type of algorithm is used to calculate height of v in T?
height of T = the maximum depth of an external node of T. A recursive algorithm: base case, if v is external height is 0, else it is 1 _ max height of child of a child of v
What is tree traversal best described as?
A systematic way of accessing all the nodes of T