Trees Flashcards

Acer palmatum sp. - Japanese Maple
Leaves 5-7 lobed, serrate
Leaves concolorous, green to red

Acer platanoides - Norway Maple
opposite leaves
5-lobed with sharp points

Acer rubrum sp. - Red Maple
3-5 lobes
OBSERVATIONS often pyramidal in youth, developes ascending branches, results in irregular, oviod or rounded crown

Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple
*Opposite, palmately lobed leaves
*Lobes 5, entire, pentagon outline

Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze / ‘Jeffersred’ - Autumn Blaze Red Maple
Serrated leaves

Amelanchier x grand. ‘Autumn Brilliance’ - Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Betula nigra - River Birch
*bark peels away year round

Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ /’Pyramidalis’ - Upright Hornbeam

Cercis canadensis - Eastern Redbud
Small tree with 1-2 main trunks & heart-shaped leaves**

Chionanthus retusus - Chinese Fringetree• stem is square
- white fringe-like flowers clustered in long panicles
- multi-stemmed large shrub or small tree

Cornus florida - Flowering Dogwood
Leaves not as pointed as Kousa Rounder buds and lighter in color than the “Kousa”
Has seed nut unlike balls with Kousa
Lateral veins ecenly spaced

Cornus kousa - Kousa Dogwood
More pointed apex and darker in color than the “Florida”
Has seed balls
Distance between veins changes towards apex
lateral veins evenly spaced except large gap to upper pair

Cotinus coggygria - Common Smoketree
Shrub with alternate, simple, purplish leaves with parallel veins
Inflorescence is panicles of smoky pink flowers

Crataegus virdis ‘Winter King’ - Winter King Green Hawthorne A small deciduous tree with a rounded, vase-shaped habit which typically grows 25-35’ tall.
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yoshino’ - Yoshino Japanese Cedar

Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
Leaves coarsely serrate, bristles at margin
Parallel veins pierce margin

Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Green Ash
Opposite, pinnately compound leaves
Stout, gray twigs

Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis - Thornless Common Honeylocust
adult leaves pinnately compound
juvenile leaves bipinnately compound
20-30 leaflets per leaf
Cupressocyparis leylandii - Leyland Cypress

Hamamelis x intermedia - Hybrid Witchhazel
wedge shaped leaves, serrated on top half, 5-8 vein pairs,

Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar

Koelreuteria paniculata - Panicled Goldenraintree
Leaves pinnately compound; 6-18 inches long, 7-15 leaflets
Stem has prominent, shield-shaped leaf scars; raised, orange-brown lenticels
Leaflets near leaf base deeply lobed

Lagerstroemia indica - Crapemyrtle
*Leaves opposite, alternate or in whorls of 3s

Liriodendron tulipiferia - Tulip Poplar

Magnolia grandiflora - Southern Magnolia
Stiff, leathery, laurel-like leaves leaves
Leaves rusty-brown tomentose below

Magnolia stellata - Star Magnolia

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Black Dragon’ - Black Dragon Japanese Cedar

Magnolia virginiana - Sweetbay Magnolia
**Evergreen, laurel-like leaves silvery below

Magnolia x soulangiana - Saucer Magnolia
Multi-trunked or main branches low on trunk
Leaves have sharply pointed apex
Bark is smooth and gray, fragrant when crushed

Malus sp. - Flowering Crabapple
Leaves are serrate; new growth is pinkish-red
Fruit is small apple, ripening in fall

Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood
Deciduous gymnosperms dropping pins
Pins opposite, resemble small pinnate leaves

Ouercus shumardii - Shumard Oak
C shaped lobes in lower part of leaves

Oxydendrum arboreum - Sourwood
Tree shrublet with laurel-like leaves
Leaves minutely serrulate, red in fall

Pinus palustris - Longleaf Pine
Pine tree with elongate needles in threes,

Pinus strobus - Eastern White Pine
Needles bluish-green, isoft, pliable, in fives
Gymnosperm tree with branches & twigs whorled
Cones narrow cylindrical, scales whiten at apex

Pinus taeda - Loblolly Pine
Needles medium length, in threes. Much softer bounce to needles than the Black Pine

Pinus thunbergii - Japanese Black Pine
Pine tree with no central leader
Needles in twos, medium length

Pistacia Chinesis - Chinese Pistachio Leaf arrangement: alternate (Fig. 3)
Leaf type: even pinnately compound

Platanus occidentalis - Sycamore
Leaves alternate, palmately lobed, folded in 3 planes

Prunus caroliniana - Carolina Cherrylaurel
Evergreen lustrus leaves reticulate below

Prunus cerasifera - Cherry or Myrobalan Plum
All purple all year

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ - Kwanzan Japanese Flowering Cherry
biggest leaf of the Cherrys

Prunus subhirtella var. pendula - Weeping Cherry

Prunus x ‘Okame’ - Okame Cherry
•alternate leaf arrangement
smallest leaf of the cherrys

Prunus x yedoensis - Yoshino Cherry
Leaves serrate bearing short-stalked glands

Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ - Cleveland Select Pear or Chanticleer Pear

Quercus acutissima - Sawtooth Oak
Leaves with parallel veins, each piercing teeth in slender bristle**

Quercus alba - White Oak
Pinnately lobed leaves with entire margins***
Leaves widest typically at middle, glaucous below

Quercus palustris - Pin Oak

Quercus phellos - Willow Oak
Leaves willow-like with bristle tip*

Quercus virginiana - Live Oak
Leathery leaves with downy undersides

Salix babylonica - Weeping Willow
Small tree with weeping, pendulous branches
Leaves toothed, linear-lanceolate
lLeaves green above, grayish-glaucous below

Sorbus acuparia - European Mountainash, Rowan, Common Mountainash
Tree with pinnately compound leaves
Leaflets entire below, toothed above, base asymmetrical**

Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress
Narrowly to broadly pyramidal when young. Confused commonly with dawn redwood, but distinguished by the alternate lateral pins in 3-D appearance, persistent globular female cones. Dawn redwood has opposite lateral branches in flat planes, conspicuous paired winter buds, and deciduous ellipsoidal female cones

Thuja occidentalis `Emerald’ aka ‘Smaragd’-Emerald Green Eastern Arborvitae
Tighter growing than the “Green Giant”

Thuja plicata ‘Green Giant’ - Green Giant Western Arborvitae
Wide at the bottom and narrow at the top

Trachycarpus fortunei - Windmill Palm

Tsuga canadensis - Canadian Hemlock
Branches in flat planes
Linear leaves with 2 glaucous bands below*
Occasional leaf upside down along minor twigs***
Pendulous ovoid cones from branches

Ulmus parvifolia - Chinese or Lacebark Elm
Inverted pins bearing leaves**
leaves asymmetrical, parallel veins

Zelkova serrata - Japanese Zelkova
Veins parallel, each ending in a tooth*
Teeth large, rounded, gland tipped