Tree Identification Flashcards
What is the scientific name for Box Elder?
Acer negundo
What is the scientific name for Red Maple?
Acer rubrum
What is the scientific name for Silver Maple?
Acer saccharinum
What is the scientific name for Tree of Heaven?
Ailanthus altissma
What is the scientific name for Bitternut Hickory?
Carya cordiformis
What is the scientific name for Pecan?
Carya illinoinensis
What is the scientific name for Shagbark Hickory?
Carya ovata
What is the scientific name for Mockernut Hickory?
Carya tomentosa
What is the scientific name for Northern Catalpa?
Catalpa speciosa
What is the scientific name for Sugarberry?
Celtis laevigata
What is the scientific name for Common Hackberry?
Celtis occidentalis
What is the scientific name for Redbud?
Cercis canadensis
What is the scientific name for Flowering Dogwood?
Cornus florida
What is the scientific name for Common Persimmon?
Diospyros virginiana
What is the scientific name for American Beech?
Fagus grandifolia
What is the scientific name for Upland Privet?
Forestiera ligustrina
What is the scientific name for Green Ash?
Fraxinus pensylvanica
What is the scientific name for White Ash?
Fraxinus americana
What is the scientific name for Blue Ash?
Fraxinus quadrangulata