Treaty of Versailles Flashcards
What Year Did Germany sign The Treaty of Versailles?
June 1919
How did the Germans feel towards The Treaty of Versailles? (3 Points)
1) Germans did not feel they caused war yet forced to sign guilt clause.
2) Did not feel they had lost war - 1918 Germans thought they stopped fighting for Peace not that they were defeated.
3) Felt should of been invited to Treaty of Versailles - German Government no influence over Treaty’s Terms + forced to accept them.
State all 6 ways in which Germany was punished.
1) Germany had to Accept Blame for starting war - Clause 231 of Treaty
2) had to pay Reparations (country bankrupt + people starving). £6,600 million
3) **Disarmament **- German army reduced to 100,000, Conscription banned, No submarines/aeroplanes, only six battleships, de-militarization of Rhineland. Unfair Germany could not protect herself.
4) **Loss of Territory **- Germans living under foreign rulers, Saar (industrial area) given to France, German Colonies to Britain, France, Japan.
5) Colonised countries given self- determination through Fourteen Points - (Estonia, Latvia).
6) Germany not allowed to join the League of Nations.
What were the long term consequences of The Treaty of Versailles? 4 Points
1) The Weimar Republic (newly elected German Goverment, leader = Ebert) was considered fragile and unpopular since it was forced to sign the ToV.
2) Germany was forced to pay reparations causing hardship, hyperinflation 1922 - 23, invasion of Ruhr by French troop.
3) Loss of Territory seen as humiliating.
4) **Limited Armed Forces **- made Germany seem weak when other countries kept military strength.
What were the impacts of the ToV? 5 Points
1) Weimar Republic Hatred.
2) Chaos-Kapp Putsch (March 1920)
3) Reparations.
4) French Invasion of Ruhr (January 1923)
5) Hyperinflation (1922-23)
1) What was the Kapp Putsch?
1) Failed Rebellion against Weimar Republic in March 1920
How was Hyperinlation caused in Germany and what were the consequences of it?
. Ruhr Strike - no goods produced.
. German Government solved problem - printing money causing hyperinflation from 1922-23.
. German economy collapsed + millions suffered (prices/wages rose).
. Money/Savings became Worthless.
1) How satisfied was Britain and Lloyd George with the ToV?
2) How satisfied was Clemenceau with the ToV?
3) What was American Goverments Reaction to the ToV?
1) Public= satisfied, but Lloyd George thought harshness could cause German Revenge.
2) Clemenceau thought treaty not harsh enough.
. Germany broken up into its pre-1870 regions.
. Rhineland handed over to France rather than de- militarised.
3) . Congress didnt support/vote treaty Wilson negotiated = America didn’t join League of Nations.
. America didn’t want to get involved European Affairs.
1) What was the Treaty of St Germain (1919)?
2) How did it affect Austria?
3) Which countries Goverment was unhappy with it and why?
1) . Treaty which separated Austria from Hungary,
.forbade future Anschluss (Germany + Austria),
.forced Austria disarm,
Gave Austrian territory away:
. Bohemia + Moravia to Czechoslovakia
. Bosnia and Herzegovina + Serbia to Yugoslavia
. Gave Austrian Colonies self-determination.
2) Austria suffered economic problems (much of industry given to Czechoslovakia) = Austria no longer leading European power.
3) Italians- Italian Goverment felt deserved more land.
1) What was the Treaty of Neuilly (1919)?
1) Treaty in which Bulgaria lost territory to Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia + Lost Access to Sea + Disarm
. Bulgaria treated less hard (played small part in war).
. Many Bulgarians governed by foreign powers.
1) What was the Treaty of Trianon (1920)?
2) How did it effect Hungary?
1) Treaty in which Hungary lost territories:
. Ruthenia, Slovakia to Czechoslovakia.
. Solvenia, Croatia to Yugoslavia.
2) . lost territories which it got raw materials-industry suffered.
. **disarm**
1) What was the Treaty of Sèvres (1920)?
2) Why was Turkey important?
3) Was the Treaty successful?
1) Treaty in which Turkey:
. lost control of straits to Black Sea
. former lands (Egypt, Morocco,Tunisia) now under British + French Mandates.
. Lost Territories:
. Smyrna to Greece.
. Palestine, Iraq, Transjordan = League Mandates under British Control.
. Syria to League Mandates under French Control.
2) it’s Strategic Postition and Size of it’s empire.
3) No, Tukish nationalists (leader=Mustafa Kemal) drove Greeks out Smyra.
. result is Treaty of Lausanne (1923) - returned Smyrna to Turkey.
1) What was the League of Nations?
2) What were the League’s aims? (4 Points)
1) League of Nations-organisation which encouraged countries to co-operate and maintain peace by settling disputes by negotiations rather than war.
2) Aims (Covenant):
. prevent aggression from nations
. encourage co-operation between nations
. work towards international disarmament
. improve living + working conditions of all people
1) What happened in the Ruhr?
. 1923-Germany did not pay reparations.
. January 1923-French/Belgian troops occupy The German industrial area (Ruhr).
. German workers protested at invasion.
1) What was the Structure of the League of Nations? (7 points)
1) *Structure:
. The Assembly (debating chamber)
. The Council
. The Permanent Court of Internationl Justice
. The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
. The Secretariat
. Peacekeeping Role
. Commisions
What did The League of Nations have the power to do if the members were acting aggressively? (4 points)
1) the League could:
. say it disapprovred of the aggressing countries actions
. impose economic + financial sanctions
. encourage it’s members to stop trading with that country
. use military force
1) How was the League of Nations weakened? (6 points)
1) had no armed forces of own-League had to rely on Britain/France, without these countries, League was powerless.
2) Military resort always last resort-1920s Britain/France still recovering from economic cost of WW1.
3) Economic sanctions difficult to enforce-Member countries unwilling to stop trading with aggressor because will damage own trade and aggressor’s. Economic sanctions used against Italy (1936) not effective.
4) USA did not join LoN-despite Woodrow Wilson main planner of LoN many Americans isolationist + wanted to keep USA out of European affairs. Without presense of World’s most powerful nation LoN weak.
5) 1917-Communist government took power in Russia + made new treaty with Germans.
.Goverment suspicious of Western countries
.Soviets encouraging revoloution in other countries
.early 1920s-anti-communists attack with Western support = Soviet Union did not join LoN.
6) Germany = defeated country 1918
. forced to accept ToV
. not allowed join LoN-could seek revenge and makes Germany distant.
. after 7 years improving relationships + Locarno agreements (1925) = Germany joined (1926)
. absense of major powers-everything depended on British/French goverments for leadership.
What were the International disputes which the LoN successfully solved?(9 Points)
1) .Memel 1923-Having lost Vilna, the Lithuanians seized Memel Port
2) Upper Silesia 1921-inhabited by Poles and Germans
. at Versailles decided should be plebiscite, this went in favour of Germany
. but League decided to split between two countries.
3) Corfu 1923-. Italian surveyors killed by Greek soldiers
. Mussolini occupies Greek Island, Corfu
. Greeks appeal to League but France + Britain did not want to alientate Mussolini
. Greeks forced to apologise + pay compensation to Italy
4) Austria 1922-with help of League’s financial experts Austrian Government prevented economy collapse, it reformed it’s currency + restructured finances.
5) Yugoslavia/Albania 1920-League intervened to prevent Yugoslav invasion of Albania.
6) Greek-Bulagria border dispute, 1925-Greek invasion of Bulgaria
. League condemned Greek aggression
forced Greeks withdraw.
7) Mosul, 1923/24- Mosul given to Iraq in Treaty of Sèvres (1923.
. Turks refused to accept this part of Treaty + League commision set up to solve dispute
. League awarded Mosul to Iraq but agreed to change British Mandate terms (given independence after 25 years).
. Colombia/Peru, 1932-League intervened in dispute when Peruvian group seized Colomian border post at Leticia
League sent commision to supervise ceasefire + arrange Peruvian withdrawl.
1) Why did the LoN want Disarmament?
2) Why did it fail?
1) mid 1920s widely believed weapons build up helped to cause WW1.
2) 1925 League set up commision to plan disarmament conference.
Britain/France would not co-operate so conference never took place.
1) What was The Locarno Treaties?
2) What did the Treaty suggest about international relationships?
3) How was the treaty flawed or undermined?
1) October 1925-German, British, French, Italian, Belgium, Czechoslovakian and Polish representatives met to sign series of agreements:
. A Rhineland pact-Belgium, France and Germany borders fixed according to ToV + guranteed by Britain+Italy
. Rhineland remain Demilitarised
. France guranteed Poland+Czechoslovakian help if German attack
. Germany agreed not to use force to settle disputes with neighbours
2) Germany treated as equal partner and suggested Europe was entering phase of Peace, Security and international co-operation.
3) No gurantee of Germany’s Eastern Frontier-Gave impression Polish+Czech borders with Germany= Not Permanent + able to change in future by Germany
. This part of Treaty seen as undermined ToV since Germany’s eastern fronts didn’t seem as permanent as her Western Frontiers.
1) What was the Kellog-Briand Pact (Paxt of Paris)?
2) What did they agree?
1) 1928 French (Briand)/USA (Kellogg) foreign ministers drew up agreement signed by 65 other nations
2) To condemn war as way of solving international disputes + not go to war for five years, except for self-defence.
1) Why did the additional attempt at disarmament fail in 1932?
1). Hitler looked to increase forces size and rearm Germany + left LoN 1933
. despite ToV terms Britain signed separarte Naval agreement with Geramy-keep German navy within 35% of British navy size
What were the League’s agencies and commisions successes? (7 Points)
- Leagues commisions worked to eliminate illegal weapons sale + child slaves
- Minorities commision provided restraint against goverments unsympathetic to minority groups problems
- Drugs commision reduced dangerous drugs sale
- World Health Organisation helped countries control outbreaks of life-threatening diseases (Malaria, Yellow Fever, Typhus)
- Successful refugee organisation-400 WW1 POWs repatriated
- Freed 200,000 Sierra Leone Slaves
- Spent £10 million helping Turkish refugees.
1) How did The International Labour Organisation (ILO) make contributions to improvement of peoples working conditions? (4 Points)
- agreed target 8 hours working days + 48 hours working week
- accepted all workers right to join trade union + have annual pay holiday
- agreed no one under 15 working full-time
- regularly published findings/recommendations to increase pressure on Governments worldwide.