Treatment Tactics Flashcards
Under what circumstances should a maxillary expansion appliance be used?
Correction of dental and/or skeletal posterior crossbite that is unilateral or bilateral
Correction of anterior crossbite assocaited with functional shift
Elimination of crowding through increase of arch length
Correction of axial inclinations of posterior teeth
Mobilization of circumaxillary sutures to make skeletal protraction possible during face mask treatment
What are some of the different types of expansion appliances?
Hyrax - two bands on upper first molars and two pandas on upper first bicuspids. Incorporates as many teeth as possible to minimize buccal crown torque. (Excessive buccal crown torque should be avoided since it can result in adverse periodontal sequelae, relapse, and lingual interferences
Haas - fixed expander that uses acrylic pads and heavy lingual wires to apply pressure to both teeth and palatal tissue. Supposedly reduces buccal tipping
Bonded RPE - uses posterior acrylic coverage and is directly bonded to teeth. The posterior blocks remove occlusal interferes and discloses anterior teeth
Schwartz (removable) Fixed mandibular Quadhelix W arch Pendex Lip bumper
What is a pendex expander?
A fixed expansion appliance that is also used to distalize an derotate on or both upper first molars
It eliminates patient compliance concerns from the distalization treatment objective
Expansion in skeletally mature patients may result in ____; therefore, the best time to correct these constricted arches is usually…
Undesired dental movements
In the mixed dentition
Correction of a class 2 malocclusion using nonextracion orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances requires the ___ of ___teeth and/or ___ movement of the ___ teeth.
How can these movements be accomplished?
Distalization of maxillary teeth
Anterior movement of mandibular teeth
Maxillary teeth can be distalized using extra-oral forces (J-hook headgear or facebow) or intraoral forces (class 2 elastics or appliances such as the distal jet or pendulum appliance) using the lower arch as anchorage
When should extra-oral traction therapy be initiated?
In mixed dentition if a skeletal effect is desired
It may also be used in pts who are not growing if only tooth movement or anchorage is the goal
What are the indications for class 2 elastics?
Class 2 molar or canine dental relationship
Finishing orthodontic cases to achieve anterior coupling
Excessive overbite (deep bite)
Orthognathic facial profile
When are class 2 elastics contraindicated?
Class 3 skeletal discrepancy
Dental open bite or skeletal open bite tendency
Insufficient wire dimension to resist extrusion of teeth associated with use of class 2 elastics
Excess lower anterior facial height
What are the three basic ways to correct crowding problems?
Expansion of the dental arches, including distalization of the posterior segments of the dental arch
Extraction of permanent tooth mass
Reapproximation to reduce the MD width of selected teeth
Crowding as a result of space loss is usually due to either __ or ___
Ectopic eruption of the first molars
Early loss of one or more primary teeth
If there is loss of arch length, the clinician must decide to either ___ or ___.
Regain the lost space (usually best to proceed with treatment ASAP)
Maintain the remaining space
Another option is to defer treatment in anticipation of extracting permanent teeth
Ectopic mesial eruption may necessitate…
The early removal of second deciduous molars in order to allow full eruption of the permanent first molars before regaining the lost arch perimeter
What is serial extraction?
Serial extraction is the selected removal of both deciduous and permanent teeth (usually the first premolars) in order to allow severely crowded teeth to erupt into more desirable positions.
Sequential removal of primary teeth and permanent teeth is typically followed by comprehensive orthodontic treatment after eruption of permanent teeth.
What are the indications for serial extractions?
Minimum 7mm of crowding in the anterior areas per arch
Coincident upper and lower mid lines
Bilateral class 1 molar relationship
Balanced skeletal pattern in all three planes of space
What are some complicating factors for serial extractions?
Class 3 molar relationships
Class 2 molar relationships
Unbalanced skeletal patterns of any kind
Unequal crowding in maxillary and mandibular arches
Unequal crowding bilaterally in either arch
Midline discrepancies (more than 2mm)
Open bites or impinging deep bites
Caution should be taken with patients who are more susceptible to have adverse sequaele caused by orthodontic tooth movement due to extractions, these patients include…
Periodontally compromised
External root resorption from previous treatment
Short blunted root morphology
Thin alveolar ridges
Obtuse nasolabial angle
Poor oral hygiene
Which teeth should be removed in order to facilitate orthodontic tooth movement for the correction of a class 2 discrepancy?
A lot of things must be considered… however most of the orthodontic extractions for the correction of class 2 malocclusions involve premolars. Most commonly, maxillary and mandibular first premolars are chosen for extraction. However, it is worth considering the extraction of maxillary first premolars and mandibular second premolars so that the correction of class 2 molar relationship may be facilitated. In pts with a class 2 molar relationships and minimal mandibular crowding, sometimes only maxillary premolars are selected for extractions resulting in class 2 molar relationship but class 1 canine relationship
Why would asymmetric extraction patterns be used?
Asymmetric extraction patterns involving first premolars on one side and second premolars on the other side or unilateral premolar extraction are commonly used to maximize mechanical advantage in the correction of asymmetric class 2 malocclusions
There are many different designs of functional appliances, but they all have what two common characteristics?
Disarticulate the teeth
Position the mandible forward
A protraction facemask is best used for a class 3 malocclusion with a ____ mandibular plane angle
Low to average
Young patients from 6-9 demonstrate a greater skeletal response, whereas adolescents show a more dental response to protraction facemask wear
Under what circumstances should orthodontic extractions be used for the correction of a class 3 anteroposterior discrepancy?
Bimaxilary protrusion (in absence of generalized spacing)
Anterior open bite or anterior open bite tendency
Either growth is nearing completion or the orthodontist is confident that the treatment plan has a high probability of success
Which teeth should be removed in order to facilitate orthodontic tooth movement for correction of a class 3 discrepancy?
Extraction of teeth provides space to protract maxillary anterior and posterior teeth and retract mandibular posterior and anterior teeth
Asymmetric extraction patterns can be used when correcting unilateral class 3 malocclusions
Why should care be taken if extracting primary teeth with missing succedaneous teeth?
Closing the space resulting from agenesis of permanent teeth can be very difficult. Space closure by attempting to protract posterior teeth in the absence of substantial crowding can be particularly problematic