Treatment of heart failure Flashcards
NEP-I: neutral endopeptidase inhibitor –
enzyme that would normally break down the natriuretic peptides. This drug stops the breakdown of these peptides so they keep protecting the heart
Pharmacology of drugs used to treat heart failure- Diuretics
- Patients with left heart failure typically have a fluid build up in the lungs
- Therefore, they usually prefer sleeping propped up
- Patients with right heart failure typically have a fluid build up in the abdomen – ascites • One way to get rid of this fluid is to offer them a diuretic
- Diuretics remove from the body in the form of urine
- They can relieve the symptoms of heart failure
- They increase Na+ and H2O loss, which reduces preload which means the heart doesn’t have to work as heart
- However, there is no evidence that they reduce mortality of heart failure
- Long term use of these loop diuretics can cause resistance, and this may be overcome by adding a thiazide-like diuretic
- You may monitor dehydration by measuring weight
ACE-Inhibitors & beta-blockers
• At the same time as starting diuretics you would start the patient on an ACE-I and BB • BB: reduces frequency of beats, which allows the heart more time to fill
- less preload = less cardiac output
- less after load= more cardiac output
- improves mortality
- risk of :Hypotension,hyperkalaemia,dizzziness and coughs
- Decreasing preload (blood returning to the heart) and so, reduces cardiac output but decreasing afterload increases cardiac output (it is much easier to pump blood back out) – although less is coming back into the heart, the heart can compensate for that by pumping more out into the systemic circulation
- They counteract the remodeling that can occur if the heart is put under strain
- ACE-I can cause first dose hypotension
- Renal function needs to be monitored as well as blood potassium levels
Role of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
• Block the ability of angiotensin II to target AT1 receptor
(AT1 receptor has all the positive blood pressure increasing effects)
• Can be given if ACE-I are not tolerated
• Improves mortality (ELITE I and II / CHARM trials)
• Added into conventional therapy (ValHeft / CHARM added)
• Less s/es
Why add in an ARB?
- If you block ACE and you reduce the production of angiotension II, then the body notices and increases renin production, which produces more angiotensin I and eventually angiotension II
- ACE inhibitor therapy can lead to breakthrough due to increases in renin production and therefore Ang I
- Other enzymes that convert Ang I to Ang II (chymase)
- BB reduce the frequency of heart beat and reduce the force of contraction
- They interrupt the compensatory mechanisms, things which damage the heart
- If you slow down the frequency of heart beat, then you give the ventricles more time to fill – so they can fill with a little bit more blood
- So even though the force of contraction will be reduced, because they have more blood in the ventricles, the amount of blood that is pumped forward will not change that much
- Usually given in very low doses
- Given in hospital so the patient can be observed in case cardiac output drops dramatically
- Only given to patients who’s heart failure is stable
- So, as well as reducing the effects of noradrenaline on the heart, they can also resensitize some of the beta receptors that are present in the heart – so the heart is more sensitive to adrenaline and noradrenaline so levels in the periphery don’t need to be as high to maintain cardiac output
- (Remember we said that high levels of noradrenaline can cause receptor desensitization) • Bisoprolol and carvedilol are the best BB to use here
- Revise the side effects of BB
Inverse agonists have negative efficacy
As you increase the dose of agonists, it increases receptor activation
• In the presence of a competitive antagonist, the dose response curve shifts to the right but still maintain the same maximum provided you increase the concentration of the natural ligand
• Inverse agonists reduce the level of receptor activation
• This requires that the receptors are active in the absence of any natural ligand – these receptors are constitutively active
• Receptor can be in 2 states: resting and active
• Receptor keeps moving between these 2 states, even in the absence of the agonist
• A lot of G protein coupled receptors are constitutively active
• Only when the receptor is in the active state can a response occur with agonist binding – the higher the conc. of agonist the more we shift to the activated receptor
• Inverse agonists predominantly bind to the resting state of the receptor
• Bisoprolol is an inverse agonist – will preferentially stabilize the beta 1 receptors in the resting state
Noradrenline/adrenaline are the agonists in the disease
These give a beneficial effect acutely but will desensitize the receptors in the long term
• Using agonists all the time is not good
• Inverse agonists can be dangerous acutely because more receptors are inactive (less are responding to the needs of the heart) HOWEVER the advantage of that is that you are going to sensitize and up regulate the receptors in the long term
• Recent trials have started to use sacubitril and valsartan
• Sacubitril is a neprilysin inhibitor which prevents the breakdown of natriuretic peptides
• Valsartan is an angiotension receptor blocker ARB
• Vasodilators decrease preload
• Some can also decrease afterload
- can cause hypertension,headaches,tachycardia
Role of sprinolactone
- Improves mortality
- Added to conventional therapy
- only small doses needed, can cause hyperkalemia, gynaecomastia
• Also a useful drug and tends to be added in if ACE-I and BB cant control patients heart failure
• Not used alone
• Attenuates aldosterone effect – remember aldosterone can drive cardiovascular remodeling, which reduces the efficiency of the heart
• Blocking aldosterone can reduce hypertrophy of muscle fibres and fibrosis • Gynaecomastia: man boobs
- Used to be the drug of choice for the treatment of heart failure
- Increases myocardial contractility and therefore cardiac output is improved
- But because it was making the heart work harder, it wasn’t increasing mortality
- Its now added in much later in the therapy if all the previous therapies don’t help
- Can also be quite toxic (esp to kidneys) and has a narrow therapeutic window
- It inhibits the sodium potassium ATPase and as a consequence it reduces the amount of potassium that is brought back into the cell and reduces the amount of sodium ions that are removed from the cell – so sodium ion concentration builds up inside the cell
- Another protein called a sodium calcium exchanger usually uses the concentration gradient of sodium ions across the membrane to allow sodium ions to enter the cell and remove calcium against its concentration gradient
- However if we block the sodium potassium ATPase, sodium ion concentration will increase in the cell, this driving force will be reduced so the removal of calcium will be reduced
- As a consequence calcium levels will build up inside the cell and this will allow a much stronger contraction
- Digoxin can cause a range of arrhythmias (bradycardia)
- But if the levels of digoxin go too high then that increase in calcium inside the cell can cause late after depolarization which can lead to tachycardia
- If its used with calcium channel blockers or BBs, it can potentially cause heart block
Role of other treatments
- Ivabradine: used to treat adults who have chronic heart failure
- Biventricular pacing - severe CHF high cost • Transplantation - 85% survival @ 5yrs
New drug
- Heart failure is a serious condition which if not treated can lead to death.
- Current treatment designed to maintain heart function and reduce morbidity rather than markedly improving function.
- Main side effects of drugs hyperkalaemia (ACE-/sprionolactone); possible bradycardia decreased CO.
What if bioavailability of oral tablet was less than that of oral solution, what might cause this?
- Water gets taken up by the starch, which causes the tablet to disintegrate
- This increases surface area
- We can measure the amount of drug in the urine
- It is a cumulative urine sample so it eventually reaches a plateau
absolute bioavailability
the amount of drug from a formulation that reaches the systemic circulation relative to an IV dose
When a drug in solution is injected intravenously
it has good bioavailability but when it is taken orally (still in solution) the bioavailability is reduced.
Why might this be the case?
- When a drug is taken orally, it has to go through first pass metabolism in the liver - The pH of the stomach can be degrading some of the drug
- It might not be absorbed properly
• How can factors contributing to this be assessed?
Any metabolism that occurs in the liver or the gut wall is called pre-systemic metabolism
• These can all affect the bioavailability of a drug
1. Release of drug from its dosage form (dissolution)
2. Stability in physiological fluids
3. Permeability
• Partition coefficients; Cell culture techniques; Tissue techniques; Perfusion studies
4. Pre-systemic metabolism
BCS Class Boundaries
• Solubility:
– A drug substance is considered highly soluble when the highest dose strength is soluble in 250 mL or less of water over a pH range of 1–7.5 at 37 °C
– Similar to a cup of water that a patient will use to swallow a drug
– If it dissolves in this amount, it is highly soluble, if it doesn’t its poorly soluble • Permeability:
– A drug substance is considered highly permeable when the extent of absorption in humans is greater than 90% of an administered dose, based on mass-balance or compared with an intravenous reference dose
• Dissolution:
– A drug product is considered rapidly dissolving when 85% or more of the labelled amount of drug substance dissolves within 30 min using USP Apparatus 1 or 2 in a volume of 900 mL or less of buffer solutions
Dissolution testing
Quite simple tests used for: • Formulation development • Product characterisation
• Quality control
- Batch to batch reproducibility - Stability testing
- Shelf-life determination
• Impact of manufacturing changes
Release of drug from its dosage form
• Different to dissolution testing because: • We mimic conditions of GI tract
– In vitro – in vivo correlation essential
o Only likely if dissolution is rate-limiting step
– Replacement of some animal and human studies
How can we improve the correlation?
Dissolution medium – use biorelevant media • Simulate GI fluids in fed and fasted state
– Gastric - dilute HCl pH 1.2
– Intestinal – phosphate buffered solution, pH 6.8
– Or consider - pH, ionic composition, surface tension, buffer capacity, bile and lecithin content
– Homogenise the meal to be used in clinical study – Use long life milk
most of the dissolution occurs in the small intestine instead of the stomach
Solubility varies depending on the medium and its composition
- What we want to know is the volume that 40mg will dissolve in
- If 0.013mg dissolves in 1mL, we can work out that 40mg dissolves in 3077mL
- We can only dissolve 40mg if we have over 3L of liquid
- This is at pH 1.2
- So dose will not dissolve at 250mL, therefore it is not high solubility, it is low solubility (remember the classes)
What else can we alter to improve the in vitro-in vivo correlation for drug release?
Volume of medium and agitation • 500, 900, or 1000 ml
– Remember, 250 mL for BCS
• Gentle agitation (peristalsis simulation)
Duration of test
• Dependent on:
• Site of absorption
• Timing of administration • If:
– Absorption in upper intestine – Dosed in fasted state
What test conditions would we need if we know:
• Drug to be administered with food.
• Drug known to be well absorbed throughout length of intestine.
Stability in physiological fluids
• Chemical stability across pH range of gut (pH 1 – 8)
– Enteric coating for low pH prevents breakdown • Enzymatic stability
– GI fluids
• Incubate with real or simulated GI fluid, 3 h at 37oC. • Loss of 5 % - potential instability
– Bacterial enzymes (colon)