Treating Class II Caries Flashcards
Class 2 caries involve the ______ surface of ____ teeth.
Radiographic exams are an adjunct to clinical examination. How often are anterior radiographs needed?
- every 5 years as part of Full mouth series
- on an individual basis as needed based on symptoms
How many radiographs are in a full mouth series? How many bitewings?
8 posterior PA’s, 4 bitewings, 7 anterior PA’s, 1 pano = 20
How often are bitewings taken?
every 2 years ( more frequently if caries are high)
Give a method that can assist with clinical examination of caries.
How do proximal caries appear clinically?
opaque white
Deciding whether or not to treat caries will depend on direct evidence and clinical _______.
- past caries experience
- rate of caries progression
- location and surrounding teeth
What are the possible consequences of the “decision to treat” caries?
- damage to adjacent teeth (especially with small preps)
- restorations have limited lifetime (all eventually fail)
- weakening of the remaining tooth structure
What are the three approaches for class 2 preparations? Which is most common? Which is used more often for root caries?
- Occlusal
- Facial
- Lingual
- Occlusal is most common
- Root caries: Facial or Lingual because the FGM recedes and provides better access and maintains the marginal ridge.
True or False: The marginal ridge must be removed for the occlusal approach to class 2 preparation.
True or False: The occlusal approach removes significant amounts of unaffected dentin.
For a conventional Box-Only preparation, start in the center of the B-L width of the contact area, then move the bur in a direction _________ to the proximal surface.
perpendicular (parallel to enamel rods)
For the box of a class 2 preparation, which contact is usually left much tighter? What is the minimal clearance amount (ideal)?
0.5 mm (or extend to encompass all affected dentin)
For retention, the box _______ occlusally.
True or False: Retention grooves may be placed to aid in retention and resistance.