Treasury Flashcards
What is pegging?
Finding the exchange rate in terms of another currency
What is the purpose of dual exchange rate policy?
Attempts to separate current and capital transactions into two separate markets so to protect normal trade transactions from the destabilizing effect of capital movement.
What is the balance of payment?
It records the flow of economic transactions over national boundaries for a specific period
What are the three accounts of balance of payment?
- The current account
- The capital account
- The official reserves
What is the current account?
It records the trance of goods and services and transfer payments between countries (exports and imports)
What is the invisibles?
Receipts and payments for services, includes interests, dividends, royalties, traveling expenses and financial and shipping charges
What are transfers?
Remittances by employees on contract in SA and government transfer from and to foreign countries
What is a capital account?
It records the movements of capital funds across country boundaries.
Movement of long terms and short term capital are disclosed separately.
What is in the official reserve?
The changes in official reserve reflects the difference between current account and capital account
What is a direct quotation?
Quotes exchange rate in terms of local currency. It measures how much one unit of foreign currency buys local currency.
I.e. $1= R8
What is a buying rate also known as?
Bid rate
What is the selling rate also known as?
Ask rate
What is the difference between bid and ask rate (bid and ask spread)?
It represents the dealer’s profit margin in buying and selling currencies.
What is the mid rate?
Refers to the mid point between buying and selling rate.
What is a spot transaction?
Where foreign currency is purchased and paid for immediately.
What is a forward transaction?
The payment or receipt of a transaction will be effected at specific time in the future but the exchange rate is fixed today.
What is interest rate parity?
The forward premium or discount is determined by the relationship between relative interest rates.
What is a foreign currency exposure?
It is the potential for gain or loss due to a change in the exchange rate.
Name the three types of foreign exchange exposure.
- Translation exposure
- Transaction exposure
- Economic exposure
What is translation exposure?
The effect that a change in exchange rate will have on the record of accounting results of a company. Also known as accounting exposure.
What is transaction exposure?
The potential for gain or loss which will arise when one enters into transaction whose terms are stated in foreign currency.
Hedging policy can be used to avoid this type of exposure.
What is the economic exposure?
Measures the long terms real effect of a change in the exchange rate
What is a hedging policy?
Technique used by a firm to protect itself against the possibility of loss due to change in exchange rate.
What is a money market hedge?
The firm will enter into an offsetting loan agreement in foreign or local currency to cover the foreign currency transaction.