Traverses Flashcards
Open traverses
Has NO mathematical ✅. Does not reveal errors. May be used to check field data.
Closed traverses
Has mathematical ✅. Ex: final EL= initial EL; £ interior angles = the integer multiple of 180 degrees. No checks for direction*** P-10
Bearing traverses (BT)
oldest and most commonback calculatedis DIRECTIONALin the field, no math checks for interior anglesBT run with bearings from a magnetic compass.
Angle indicator: max angle in bearing = 90deg
Interior angle traverse (in-ang)
Angle indicator: max angle = 360 deg
Field math☑️: £ interior angles = 180(n-2)
n = # of angles or sides
Polygon may be divided into triangles
Angle right traverse ( R.ang)
Angle indicator: max angle = 360deg
Field math☑️: non direct, field work converted and checked as interior angle traverse.
Run with Theod. Instruments.
Deflection angle traverse ( def.ang)
Angle indicator: max angle = 180deg
Field math ☑️: £ def.ang = 360deg
Azimuth south traverse (AZs)
Angle indicator : max angle = 360 deg & date of field book or visual inspection.
Field math☑️: non direct, field work converted & checked as in.ang
Referenced: from magnetic or preferably True south
Azimuth north traverse (AZn)
Angle indicator: max= 360 & date of field book, or visual inspection.
Field math☑️: same as AZs
Referenced: from true north
Reverse bearing
Reverse AZ
Forward bearing
AZ or forward AZ
What is the purpose of a traverse
The purpose is to determine the elevations or the horizontal position of surveying points