Travelling/eating Out Flashcards
Plan in advance how much you’re going to eat. allow for how much?
25% more calories than usual
Plan what you are going to eat.
Check the web for a menu.
Sabotaging thought: It’s okay to eat more than I’ve planned because everyone else is eating a lot.
Helpful response: what they are doing has nothing to do with you. If you want to keep feeling great about yourself and enjoy being thin, you have to eat the amount that is right for you!
Sabotaging thought: It’s okay to eat more than I’ve planned because It won’t hurt.
Helpful Response: You know that it does. In the calorie tracking you have been doing, you have been eating 1500 more calories than usual when you think this! That is almost half a pound!
Sabotaging thought: It’s okay to eat more than I’ve planned because I can start again tomorrow.
Helpful Response: You can do a lot of damage in one meal. In the calorie tracking you have been doing, you have been eating 1500 more calories than usual when you think this! That is almost half a pound!
Sabotaging thought: It’s okay to eat more than I’ve planned because I should eat more to get my money’s worth.
Helpful Response: You could get your money’s worth, but then you will have to spend more time, energy, depression when you have gained half a pound because you went overboard!
Sabotaging thought: i’m having a craving, I just want some dessert.
Helpful Response: Take a short walk, go outside, or go to the restroom to read your response cards!
When your food arrives, you should?
Portion off the food you can eat and immediately push the extra food not on your food plan to one side of the plate including extra portions. You can also put it on your bread plate.
Don’t forget that after you went to eat out, you should:
Assess your success.
Sabotaging thought: I was so good, now I deserve to treat myself.
Helpful Response: Yes, you were good, but don’t forget you probably already ate 25% more calories. If you didn’t and you saved room for dessert at home, then its okay. otherwise, you did what you had to to AVOID gaining half a pound!
I’m so glad I didn’t overeat.
I’m so glad I didn’t overeat.
Sabotaging thought: I am creating too much trouble for the waiter by telling him to meet my needs.
Helpful response: Restaurants have to accomodate all kinds of eaters. As long as you are reasonable, its okay. Its also okay to spend a few more dollars to make your meal healthy.Its also okay to ask the waiter to wrap up the leftovers for me to take home. Eating differently to lose weight is just as legitimate as having a food allergy or medical condition.
If you’re eating out at a buffet, you should decide:
Do I want to eat small tastes of several different foods or larger portions of just a few foods?
Sabotaging thought: I feel so disgruntled because I couldn’t eat everything I wanted to.
Helpful Response: Oh well, I couldn’t eat the way I used to eat. But I do really want to lose weight so it’s good I limited myself!
Sabotaging thought: I really wish I could try more of that food!
Helpful Response: Oh well, I’d rather be able to eat more, but I’m moving on.. I’d rather lose weight even more.
When you’re finished eating, make it final.
Arrange the flatward so the handles rest in the remaining food. If you can, put your paper napkin on your plate. Push away your plate.
Why is it not helpful to think that I’m entitled to make exceptions for special circumstances?
1) You’re likely to encounter special circumstances repeatedly, 2) you might go overboard in making exceptions, 3) You might find it difficult to return to restricted eating once the event is over.
Make sure you separate off the food you plan to eat in case you might become preoccupied with the conversation
Also, make sure you enjoy every bite despite the distracting conversation.
If someone asks you why you’re not drinking, having an appetizer, or eating more, reply with:
I’m just trying to eat more healthfully. (You don’t have to give them any more explanation than that!)
Sabotaging thought: I just really want to try that food, and I’ll never have it again.
Helpful response: You might lose signt of why its important to lose weight. Being thinner is more important to me than the momentary pleasure of overeating on special occasions.
Sabotaging thought: the food that’s on my diet plan costs more than the food I really want to order. I can’t justify spending more money just to stick to my diet.
Helpful response: It’s worth it! I’m worth it! What a great way to spend money–toward a goal that I really, really want to achieve!
Sabotaging thought: My dining companions will notice that I’m eating differently from them (or from how I used to eat). They might say something that makes me feel uncomfortable.
Helpful response: so what? If they comment, I can just say I’m trying to eat in a more healthy way. Then I can change the subject.
Sabotaging thought: I wish I could eat what everyone else is eating.
Helpful response: I also wish I were thinner. Oh well, it’s not fair, but i could be even less fair if I went ahead and ate what they were eating and, as a result, didn’t lose weight.
Sabotaging thought: This is a special occasion. I deserve to treat myself.
Helpful Response: If I want to lose weight an dkeep it off forever, I have to learn to celebrate in different ways. If I keep celebrating with food, I’ll put myself at risk for gaining weight. It isn’t worth it!
Sabotaging thought: It’s sad that I can’t eat everything I want.
Helpful Response: It’s SO WONDERFUL that I can stick with my plan and lose weight!
If you are going to a party or dinner in a private home, make sure you
offer to bring something you can eat like steamed or raw vegetables, salsa, a low-calorie soup, salad, or fruit!
During holidays, you can decide to increase your calories by 100-300 calories per day, knowing that you could gain a pound or two. However don’t gain weight because you were looser with your eating.
Make sure to plan what you’re going to eat in advance and monitor what you eat and drink. As soon as the holidays are over, go back to your usual calorie limit. Keep weighing yourself everyday, though, and even if its the middle of the holiday seasons.
If you weighing yourself during the holidays, and you have gone up by 3 pounds, then
GO back to your usual calorie limit!
Sabotaging thought: I should be able to enjoy myself at special occasions.
Helpful Response. Eating differently doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy other aspects of this occasion. But I have to face the fact that I may not get as much enjoyment from food as I used to. SInce I’ll be faced with many special occasions in my lifetime, I have a choice: I can eat whatever I want OR I can be thinner. But I can’t have it both ways.
Sabotaging thought: I’m drunk and I want chips!
Helpful Response: If you are hungry, go home and eat something nutritious. By eating chips, you will be eating an additional 500 calories. is that what you really want to do?
You can drink alcohol if
you don’t skimp on food.
You can drink alcohol if
you plan when and how much you’ll drink
You can drink alcohol if
You calculate beforehand how caloric the drink is
You can drink alcohol if
You don’t allow alcohol to lead to unplanned eating.
Your rule for etoh.
1) one glass of wine at home if by self, 2) 2-3 drinks for entire evening if with friends on weekend night. if weekday, then max 2 drinks.
Sabotaging thought: I can’t have fun unless I drink as much as I want.
Helpful Response: It isn’t all or nothing. I can still enjoy myself socially–like millions of other people who don’t drink or don’t drink much.
Sabotaging thought: The people I’m with will think I’m no fun if I don’t drink.
Helpful Response: That may or may not be true. What’s more important to me, anyway: what they think or whether I’m doing what it takes to lose weight.
Be careful if you drink alcohol because you know that:
alcohol loosens inhibitions, and you may give in to temptation, resulting in unplanned eating and/or drinking.
Beware of friends or family members who push you to drink more.
It’s okay to disappoint people.
what is your plan to eat when you go on a trip?
continue to eat are you are now but on two or three days factor in minor splurges of up to 500 calories. These extra calories could come from two glasses of wine and an appetizer, sampling small amounts of several different local specialties, or a special dessert.
If your eating rules are too strict, you might?
get fed up and abandon your diet altogether. Better to have a plan before!
How do you not gain too much on a trip?
exercise more
How do you not gain too much on a trip?
Eat brunch instead of breakfast and lunch ( if you sleep later!)
How do you not gain too much on a trip?
Carry food with you!
When you come back from a trip, ask yourself?
how did I do? Give yourself credit for everything you did right.
When you come back from a trip, you should say to yourself
When I get on the scale, I might be heavier. That’s okay, I planned to gain a little weight. As soon as I get home, I’ll have control over my food and my environment, and I’ll lose it again.
Sabotaging thought: Oh no, I won’t have control over food while i’m on vacation. What If I gain a lot of weight?
Helpful response: I’ve developed my vacation diet strategy. I’ll get my diet notebook right now and read the plan.
Sabotaging thought: I’ve been so good. I should be able to eat whatever I want while I’m away. If I can’t eat whatever I want, I won’t have any fun.
Helpful response: It’s not all or nothing. I won’t have to deprive myself completely. I’ll still be able to eat some foods I like. I won’t be giving up all pleasure of eating and I won’t be giving up all fun. Besides when I return home, I’ll be happy when I step on the scale and realize I haven’t gained 5 pounds, it will be worth it.
Sabotaging thought: It’s not fair that I can’t eat whatever I want when I’m on vacation.
Helpful response: That’s true. It’s not fair. But I can’t have it both ways. I can’t eat whatever I want without gaining a significant amount of weight. I’ve worked hard to lose weight so far. It’s not worth it to eat uncontrollably and lose a lot of ground.
Saboataging thought: I know I won’t have control over my food. What if everything I’m served is really high in calories?
Helpful response: I might be able to request food that fits in my plan. If not, I’ll just have to eat smaller portions and eat even more slowly and mindfully than usual. The worst that will happy that I’ll be hungry sometimes. But i’ve already proven to myself that I can tolerate hunger. And I’ll be so happy that I limited my eating when I come home and get on the scale.
My vacation plan:
1) keep to my plan (no processed sugar except in sauces, beverages, breads, and dark chocolate) except 2-3 nights/week where I can eat carbs and drinks, 2) try dessert x 2 bites of things I haven’t tried before 3) exercise more (bring dvds with you!), 4) if only fatty foods, eat less and tolerate hunger, 5) carry good snack food with you!
Are you having trouble with not eating sugar/desserts when they are present at a party?
Remind yourself that you made a promise to not eat those things unless dark chocolate. Also, you can drink diet coke. Don’t give in, you’ll feel unhappy in the morning!
Is someone guilting you into eating? (ie I made this with love, you have to try it!)
Say thank you, but you know that I am trying to eat heathfully! Do you want me to be sad int he morning. Also, if you do give in, only two bites and no additions like ice cream. not necessary. Remember when you went to F’s house and you ate all that stuff? None of it was that good to warrant the calories. Remember, you would rather be thin than have the momentary pleasure of the sweetness. Also, if you have exercised a lot, it doesn’t allow you to have more!
Are you about to give in and eat dessert at someone’s party?
Are you about to give in and eat dessert at someone’s party?
Visualize yourself the next morning feeling like ass. ITS NOT WORTH IT!
Are you about to give in and eat dessert at someone’s party?
Visualize eating. How long does the pleasure of eating really last? now visualize yourself in the morning. Do you really want to feel that way in the morning?