Trauma Scoring Systems Flashcards
What are the parameters of the Glasgow coma scale?
Eye opening
Verbal response
Motor response
How is the best eye response graded adult GCS?
- No eye opening
- Eye opening to pain
- Eye opening to Verbal command
- Open spontaneous
How is the best eye response graded pediatric GCS?
1 no eye opening
2 eye opening to pain
3 eye opening to speech
4 open spontaneously
How is the best verbal response graded adult GCS?
1 No verbal response 2 Incomprehensible 3 Inappropriate 4 Confused conversation 5Orientated
How is the best verbal response graded pediatric GCS?
- No vocal response
- Inconsolable, agitated
- Inconsistently inconsolable, moaning
- Cries but is consolable, inappropriate interaction
- Smiles, oriented to sound, follows objects, interacts
How is the best motor response graded adult GCS?
- No motor response
- Extension to pain
- Flexion to pain
- Withdrawal from pain
- Localizing pain
- Obeys commands
How is the best motor response graded pediatric GCS?
- No motor response
- Extension to pain
- Flexion to pain
- Withdrawal from pain
- Localizing pain
- Obeys commands
How to grade head injury using GCS?
Mild : 13-15
Moderate : 9-12
Severe : < 8
What is the revised trauma score?
A physiologic based triage score.
What are the physiological parameters of the Revised trauma scale?
Respiratory rate
Systolic pressure
Glasgow coma scale
How is he respiratory rate graded with revised trauma scale?
10-24 = 4 25-35 = 3 >35 = 2 <10 = 1 0 = 0
How is the systolic blood pressure graded with revised trauma scale?
>90 mmHg = 4 70-89 mmHg = 3 50-69 mmHg = 2 <50 mmHg = 1 0 = 0
How is the GCS graded with revised trauma scale?
14-15 = 4 11-13 = 3 8-10 = 2 5-7 = 1 3-4 = 0
What is the RTS formula?
RTS= 0.9368 (GCS) +0.7326(SBP) +0.22908(RR)
The sum of each variable is multiplied by a weight coefficient.
The higher the score the better the prognosis.
What is the AVPU scale?
simple scale that categorizes a patient’s condition as alert, verbal, painful, or unresponsive APVU
What are the major problems with AVPU score?
Significant risk of undertriaging
What is the Pediatric trauma scale?
Six variables comprise both physiologic and injury attributes. After a number for each variable is totaled, a score of 8 or lower is considered to be a marker for children requiring care at a designated trauma center.
What are the 6 varibles of the Pediatric trauma scale?
Weight Airway Systolic blood pressure Central nervous system Open wound Skeletal
How is severity graded with the Pediatric trauma score?
What is s the age specific pediatric trauma score
What is the abbreviated injury scale?
The AIS is used to calculate an Injury Severity Score (ISS) by taking the sum of the squares of the three highest injury regions.
What is the injury severity score?
the ISS is a method of characterizing the trauma patient with multiple injuries
What are the parameters assessment for ISS
What is the formula for the AIS score
What modalities can be used to predict mortality
Trauma score and injury severity TRISS
How is TRISS calculated?
combines the physiologic variables of the RTS with the anatomic severity-of-injury scores generated by the ISS
What is the formula for TRISS?
What is severity characterization of trauma score
is an attempt to revise and fix the limitations found using TRISS methodology (i.e., severely injured patients and extremes of age)
How is ASCOT measured?
uses individual components of the RTS (not totaled) and incorporates a modification of AIS entitled The Anatomic Profile.excludes those patients with either very severe or nonserious injuries
How is TRISS age adjusted?