Trauma-Ross Flashcards
2 main forces (list)
- blunt trauma
- Penetrating trauma
Major Trauma (MT): Mechanism Criteria -Describe falls for adults vs children
adults >20 ft (1 story is 10 ft)
children : >10 ft or 2-3 times the height of the child
List other ex’s of major trauma
Death in same vehicle
Patient Ejection
Vehicle rollover
Intrusion: >12 in occupant or >18 in anywhere
Auto-pedestrian/bicycle >20mph
MCA >20mph
MT Anatomic Criteria (list 8)
Penetrating injury to head, neck torso
2 or more proximal long bone fx
Amputation **proximal to wrist or ankle
Open or depressed skull fx
Crushed or mangled extremity
Neuro deficits
Pelvic Fracture
Flail chest
MT Physiologic Criteria (hint: vital signs?)
vital signs:
-including Conscious state GCS <13
- hypotension sys <90
- rr <9 or >30
First steps
Activate trauma team Who is the Captain of the team AMPLE HX ABC Vitals and Monitor --and undress
Initial assessment includes a rapid assessment of A,B,C,D,E
& a correction of _______
immediate life threats
- -> Next steps:
- Simultaneous resuscitation and team approach to the patient evaluation and stabilization.
-**DO NOT MISS A LIFE THREAT. X-rays, CT scans and other diagnostics can wait.
“A” stands for _____
- Airway control and C-spine protection
- Insure airway or provide it
- Protect c-spine at all times. Collar, stabilization and avoidance of manipulation.
-Have airway adjuncts ready for use.
Massive facial injuries and head injuries with a GCS of ___ or less are indicative for immediate airway management
8 or less
Other indications:
- Penetrating injury to the cranial vault
- Missile injury to neck
- Blunt injury to neck with alteration of voice or expanding hematoma
Relative Indications for Intubation
-Upper airway obstruction
-Any pt with injury that impairs ventilation
-Flail chest or pt with multiple ribs fx
-Bilateral pneumothorax
“B” =
what are you assessing?
=Breathing with ventilation
- Look for symmetric rise and fall of chest
- Listen for breath sounds
- Palpate for sub Q air
- Cover sucking chest wounds
- O2 sat/End tidal CO2
“Pt presents with distended neck veins, absent breath sounds unilaterally and a DEVIATED trachea”
= tension pneumothorax***
MUST decompress before anything else
-chest seal=asherman
What lowers a Pt’s threshold for a major trauma incident?
any Pt on an anticoag***= HIGH risk
“Pt presents with distended neck veins after receiving a blunt chest injury”
TPNX!!!! (tension pneumo)
test question–> MUST immediately decompress with a 16-gauge needle
“C” =
=Circulation with Hemorrhage
- ->Assess blood volume status
- Rhythm
- Peripheral access (IV access)
- Stop bleeding with pressure
“Pt presents to ED with massive facial wounds, what is your first priority?”
**answer: manage airway
Class 1 shock=
Class 2 shock (mild)= __-___% blood loss
Class 3 (moderate) shock=
31-40% blood loss
Class 4 (severe) shock=
> 40%
What happens to HR in Class 1,2,3,4 shock?
1- no change
2-stays same OR increases
3- increases!
What happens to BP in class 1, 2, 3, and 4 shocks?
1- stays same
2-stays same
3- stays same or decreases
4- decreases
intracranial bleeds cause class 1 or 2 shock (T/F?)
Test ?- where do you place a torniquet?
upper arm as close to axilla as possible— brachial a or axial a
high groin area– femoral or deep femoral a