trauma, orthopedics and pre/post op care chapters 1-3 Flashcards
diagnose intraabominal bleeding
CT if stable
FAST if unstable
perioperative MI that occurs during the operation from what and etected how
EKG showing ST depression and T wave flattening
deep abscesses post op, what is diagnostic and therapy
CT scan
percutaneous radiologically guided drainage
penetrating injury of extremity if no major vessels near do what
if vessels near then what but asx
if vessels near and sx
only need tetanus prophylaxis and cleaning of the wound
if near vessels and asx then doppler or CT angio
if obvious injury then exploration
workup for SBO
xray shows dilated loops with air fluid levels
CT confirms diagnosis with transition point showing dilation prox and collapse distal
vasomotor shock aka what
anaphylactic rxn
vasopressors and fluids
CVP and neck veins in PE
elevated and distended
chronic subdural hematoma treatment
surgical evacuation
combined injury or artery, nerve and bone, do what order and what after
bone then artery then nerve and fasciotomyq
managment of air embolism and ppx
cardiac massage with the patient left side down
prevent with trendelenburg position
managing diffuse axonal injury
manage ICP
when do you need to get a video assisted thoracotomy in hemothorax
1,500 mL or more of blod when chest tube is inserted
or more than 600 mL over 6 hours
most important treatment in severely burned patient
what rate
1,000 mL of ringer lactate without sugar with anyone 20% burns or more body SA then adjust to get desired urine output
what fractures can cause major problem for kids location wise
supracondylar and growth plates
SC can lead to volkmann contracture
managing massive hemorrhage in pelvic fracture
immobilize pelvis and angiographic managment
external fixation
embolization of specific bleeding artery or internal iliacs
what causes hyperkalemia
slow cause
rapid cause
slow from RF and aldosterone antagonists
rapid in crushing injuries, dead tissue, acidosis
diagnosing respiratory burns
fiberoptic bronchoscopy
ultimate therapy of atelectasis if needed is what
fractures that involve growth plate treated how
closed reduction if epiphyses and grwoth plate displaced laterally from metaphysis but in one piece
if growth plate in 2 pieces or fracture crosses epiphyes or GP then ORIF
bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and hypoxia with no evidence of CHF
what is treatment
bladder injury diagnosis
retrograd cystogram with postvoid films
what prolongs paralytic ileus
key issues in popliteal artery injury, what imaging
CT angio
hyponatremia treatment
rapid developing from water intox
slowly developing from SIADH
hypovolemic, deydrated pt losing GI fluids and forced to retain water (deciding between 2 choices?)
rapid: ypertonic saline 3-5%
slow develop from SIADH: water restriction
hypovolemic: NS or ringer lactate
- NS in lakalosis
- RL in acidotic pts and pH is normal
what organ failure in crush injury
sudden death in pt who is intubated and on a respirator
or when subclavian vein opened to air in node biopsy and CVP placement
air embolism
best test to find rupture of aorta
spiral CT
facial fractures and closed head injuries should always what
prompt evaluation of the cervical spine
plantar fasciitis treatment
should resolve within 12-18 months
ewing sarcoma age