Trauma Flashcards
Worry about loss of airway when?
- if not speaking in a normal tone of voice
- expanding hematoma or emphysema in neck
When is an airway also needed?
- unconscious or noisy/gurgling breathing
- severe inhalational injury
- secure airway before addressing cervical spine injury
How is an airway inserted?
- orotracheal intubation via laryngoscope with monitoring w/ pulse oxymetry or w/ help of local anesthesia
- nasotracheal intubation w/ fiber optic bronchoscope
When is a fiberoptic bronchscope mandatory?
- if subcutaneous emphysema in the neck
When should you be reluctant to do a cricothyroidotomy?
before the age of 12
What are clinical signs of shock?
- low BP under 90 SBP
- fast feeble pulse
- low UOP
What are the most common causes of shock in trauma?
- bleeding - low CVP
- pericardial tamponade - high CVP
- tension PTX - high CVP
What is the priority of trauma?
- surgical intervention to stop the bleeding and volume replacement afterwards
- this is the opposite of all other settings. usually start w/ 2 L of LR followed by PRBCs
What is the preferred route of fluid resuscitation?
2 peripheral IV lines, 16 gauge, or percutaneous femoral vein cateter
- if under 6 get an IO of proximal tibia
What is the management of pericaridal tamponade?
- based on clinical dx
- prompt evacuation of pericardial sac
What is the management of tension PTX?
- based on clinical dx
- big needle of IV catheter followed by CT connected to underwater seal
Where is the CT placed for tension PTX?
- inserted high in anterior chest wall
What are the causes of intrinsic cardiogenic shock?
- massive MI
- fulminating myocarditis
What is the management of cardiogenic shock?
- circulatory support
- high CVP is found
What is vasomotor shock?
- seen in anaphylactic rxns and high spinal cord transections or high spinal anesthesia.
- CVP is low