Transportation Engineering Flashcards
The application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation, and management of facilities for the mode of transportation to provide compatible movement of the people and goods.
Transportation Engineering
Types of Surface for Transportation
Land, Water, Air
The primary objective and other objectives of Traffic Engineer
Safety (primary), Speed, Comfort, Convenience, Economy, Environmental Compatibility
Possible Solutions of Traffic Problem
- Facility Design
- Traffic Control
- Reducing Demand
- Shifting Demand
- Repacking Demand
Classification of Roads
- National Highway
- State Highway
- Major District Road
- Other District Road
- Village Road
Classification of Roads (based on pavement)
Surface Roads, Unsurfaced Roads
Classification of Roads (as per usability)
All Weather Roads, Fair Weather Roads
Classification of Roads (based on carriage way)
Paved Roads, Unpaved Roads
Classification of Urban Roads
- Expressways (updated)
- Arterial Roads
- Sub-Arterial Roads
- Collector Streets
- Local Streets
Geometric Elements of a Road
- Camber (Cross Slope)
- Carriageway Width
- Shoulder
- Kerb
- Width of Roadway
- Right of Way
- Slight Distance
- Horizontal Curve
- Superelevation
- Gradient
- Vertical Curve
- Alignment
Categories of Railway
Truck Routes, Main Line, Branch Line
Types of Railway
Surface, Underground, Elevated
Types of Locomotives
Diesel, Electric
Types of Harbors
Natural, Seminatural, Artificial
Types of Ports
Major, Intermediate, Minor
Types of Docks
Wet, Dry
Types of Airports
International, Domestic, Military
Types of Air Field
Flexible (Bituminous), Rigid (Cement Concrete)
Elements of Traffic Engineering and Traffic Control (Traffic Survey)
- Traffic Volume Study
- Spot Speed Survey
- Speed and Delay Study
- Origin and Destination (O-D) Survey
- Traffic Flow Study
- Traffic Capacity
- Parking Survey
- Accident Survey
Elements of Traffic Engineering
- Traffic Studies and Characteristics
- Performance Evaluation
- Facility Design
- Traffic Control
- Traffic Operations
- Transportation System Management
- Integration of Intelligent Transportation System Technologies (ITS)
Traffic Engineering is still _____ as compared to other disciplines.