Transportation, Directions, Where I am Going Flashcards
El autobus
The bus
El boleto
The ticket
El tren
The train
El anden
The [train] platform
La parada
The stop (train stop, bus stop, etc)
Tomar [to take] conjugations
Yo tomo
Tu tomes
El/Ella/usted tome
Nosotros tomamos
Ellos/Ellas toman
Ustedes toman
A que hora sale el autobus?
At what time does the bus?
La estacion
The station
El metro
The subway
Arrival (i.e. when do you arrive?)
How do you say “to the” with el and la?
El = “Al” (i.e. al metro = to the subway)
La = “a la” (i.e. a la estacion = to the station)
“There is”
Ahi (there is the bus!)
A la izquierda
To the Left
A la derecha
To the right
I am lost
Estoy perdido
Ir (to go) congujations
Yo voy
Tu vas
El/Ella/Usted va
Nostoros vamos
Ellos/Ellas van
Ustedes van
EL teatro
The theater
El avion
The plane
How do you indicate the form of transpotation?
Use the preposition “en”
Vamos en autobus
Were going “by” bus
El coche/carro
El museo
The museum
La biblioteca
The library
El hotel
The hotel