Transportation Flashcards
Travel demand model
- Trip generation
- Trip distribution
- Modal split - division of trips by mode
- Trip assignment - determine path
Urban Collectors
Provide both land access and traffic circulation with residential, commercial, and industrial areas by collecting and distributing traffic to these areas
Principal arterials
- Serve longer trips
- Carry the highest traffic volumes
- Carry a large percentage of the VMT on minimum mileage
- Provide minimal land access
Minor arterials
- Interconnect principal arterials
- Provide less mobility
- Slightly more land access
- Distribute travel to smaller areas
Parking demand factors
- Land and building use
- Availability of alternative modes of transportation
- Cost of parking
- Peak and periodic use factors
- Socio-economic characteristics of users
- Availability of parking spaces
- Accessibility
- Employee vs. visitor and patron parking
Traffic calming
- Vertical deflection - raised intersections, speed bumps
- Horizontal shift - chicane, S-shaped roadway, traffic circles
- Roadway narrowing, such as traffic islands, but may result in bike/auto collisions at intersections
- Roadway closure using barriers or pedestrian-only designation
Complete Streets
- Streets designed in consideration of needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders
- Planning for sidewalks, bike lanes, travel lanes, shoulders, crosswalks, audible pedestrian signals, street trees and ground cover, and driveways and parking areas to improve safety, encourage physical activity, and reduce crime
Minor arterials
Described as interconnecting the principal arterials while providing less mobility and a moderate amount of land access, distributing travel to smaller areas
Width of a standard stall in a surface lot
8-9 feet
How many minutes a day does an average U.S. adult spend driving?
Standard size of a stall for a full size car in a parking structure
9 feet by 18-20 feet
Range of average size of large auto racing track in the U.S.
400AC to over 1,000AC
The traveled portion of the street right-of-way
2003 study of how workers traveled to work
- 89.3% drove car
- 4.4% used public transportation
- 3.1% worked from home
- 2.7% walked
- 0.6% biked
Vehicle trips per unit residential
- Retirement home: 5.86
- Mobile home park: 4.81
- Apartments: 6.63
- Condos/Townhome: 10.71
- Duplexes and townhomes: 7
- Planned unit developments - 8
Ideal roadway design
10 foot travel lanes
8 foot parking lanes
Curb and planting strip
Total right of way = 56 feet, which is much wider than most streets
Street gradient minimum and maximums
0.5% to 5% with up to 8% for areas with mild winters
Medical center
.75-4.5 per bed
.2 to 2 spaces per unit
.2-1.5 spaces per room
0.5-3 per 1,000 sf of GLA
0.67-3.5 per 1,000 sf of GLA
Shopping center
1-5 per 1,000 sf of GLA
5-25 spaces per 1,000 sf of GLA