Transportation Flashcards
What is the fare?
ryoukin wa ikura desu ka
Stop here, please
koko de tomatte kudasai
Does this bus go to (street name)?
kono basu wa … ni ikimasu ka?
Does that train stop at …?
sono denshya wa … de tomarimasu ka?
A map, please
chizu o onegai shimasu
This hotel
kono hoteru
The subway
The train station
denshya no eki
The bus stop
The taxi stand
takushii noriba
The exit
The entrance
The bathroom
Can I have a ticket to _______ please?
____ made no chiketto wo kudasai
Where’s the ticket machine?
kenbaiki wa doko desuka?
How can I buy a ticket?
douyatte kippu o kai masuka?
Does this (train or bus) go to Ikebukuro?
kore wa ikebukuro ni ikimasuka?
Two tickets, please.
chiketto nimai, onegaishimasu.