Transport systems in plants and animals Flashcards
What is the function of the circulatory system?
To transport substances around the body.
What does the circulatory system consist of?
The heart, the blood vessels and the blood.
Why is blood pumped to the lungs?
So that carbon dioxide can be exchanged for oxygen.
What does oxygenated blood do?
It provides glucose and oxygen to cells.
What does deoxygenated blood do?
It takes away waste products (including carbon dioxide).
Why does blood pass through the heart twice?
- To carry blood from your heart to your lungs then back to your heart.
- To carry blood from your heart to all other organs then back to your heart.
What kind of blood does the right side of your heart pump?
Blood that is low in oxygen.
Where is blood low in oxygen pumped to?
To the lungs to pick up oxygen.
What kind of blood does the left side of the heart pump?
Blood that is rich in oxygen.
Where is blood rich in oxygen pumped to?
To all parts of the body, except the lungs.
What is the function of the heart?
The heart is the organ responsible for continuously pumping blood around your body.
How is the heart adapted to its function?
Its wall is made up mostly of muscle tissue.
What are the four chambers of the heart?
- Left atrium.
- Right atrium.
- Left ventricle.
- Right ventricle.
Describe the flow of blood out of the heart.
- Blood enters the atrium through the vena cava on the right side and the pulmonary vein on the left.
- The atria contract and force blood into the ventricles.
- The ventricles contract and force blood out of the heart through the pulmonary artery on the right and the aorta on the left.
- Valves make sure the blood flows in the correct direction.
- Blood flows from the heart to the organs through arteries and returns through veins.
What can be done about leaky heart valves?
They can be replaced by donor or mechanical valves.
What can be done about an irregular heartbeat?
An artificial pacemaker can be fitted.
Describe any problems surrounding mechanical and electrical heart components.
- Risk of infection.
- Size of components.
- Power supply.
Describe the function of the arteries.
They take blood from the heart to the organs at high pressure.
How are the arteries adapted to their function?
They have thick walls made from muscle and elastic fibres to withstand pressure and exert force (pulse).
Describe the function of the veins.
They take blood from the organs to the heart at a low pressure.