transport in plants Flashcards
State two adaptations of sieve tubes that enable mass flow to occur.(2)
elongated elements ;
2 elements , joined end to end / form column ;
3 sieve plates / pores in end walls /
perforated end plates / sieve pores ;
4 little cytoplasm / cytoplasm pushed to cell edges /
thin (layer of) cytoplasm ;
5 no nucleus / few organelles ;
Describe how assimilates are loaded into the phloem.
active transport of, hydrogen ions / protons / H+ ,
out of companion cells ;
2 creates , hydrogen ion / concentration / diffusion ,
gradient ;
3 (facilitated) diffusion (of H+
) back into companion
cells ;
4 sucrose / assimilates , move in with hydrogen ions ;
5 by cotransport / through cotransport protein ;
6 sucrose / assimilates , (diffuse) through
plasmodesmata (from companion cell
to sieve element) ;
7 into sieve, tube / element ;
Describe the features of the xylem that enable the steam to pass from the heated end of the stem to the cut end.
no cross walls / cells joined end to end / continuous ;
hollow / no contents / no organelles / no cytoplasm ;
(walls / vessels) lignified ;
(bordered) pits in walls ;
Describe and explain how transpiration contributes to the mechanism of water transport up the stem.
idea of :
1 water loss (from leaf) is replaced ;
2 via, apoplast / symplast / vacuolar, pathways ;
3 down water potential gradient / AW ;
4 (lost water replaced) by water from the xylem ;
In the xylem:
5 (loss of water) causes, low / negative, (hydrostatic)
pressure (at top / in leaf)
creates pressure gradient ;
idea of :
6 water moves, from higher pressure to lower pressure /
down pressure gradient ;
7 under tension / pulled up / drawn up ;
8 by mass flow ;
9 cohesion / attraction, between water molecules ;
idea of :
10 column / stream / chain, of water (molecules) ;
Explain why the potometer only gives an estimate of the rate of transpiration.
(potometer) measures (water) uptake ;
not all water (taken up) is lost ;
ACCEPT ref to figs e.g. 99% water taken up is lost
some water used (in photosynthesis / making cells turgid) ;
State and explain two adaptations of leaves that reduce evaporation. (5)
hairy leaves ;
trap water vapour / moisture ;
stomata, in pits / sunken ;
pits trap, water vapour / moisture ;
rolled leaves / presence of hinge cells ;
reduce surface area OR (rolled leaves) trap water vapour /
moisture ;
thick(er) cuticle ;
(which is) waterproof / (relatively) impermeable ;
small leaves / needles ;
smaller surface area ;
fewer stomata ; reduces diffusion (of water vapour)