Transport Flashcards
Why do organisms need well-developed transport systems?
- Organisms have a low Sa:V ratio, long diffusion distance which decreases the rate of diffusion
- Insufficient for organism’s metabolic demand to maintain constant body temp/ respiration such as cells needing a high uptake of O2
- Maintain concentration gradients and removal of metabolites (CO2)
What are the differences between mammals and fish circulatory system?
- Double/Single closed circulatory system
- Two atria/Two ventricles vs one atria/one ventricle
- Blood maintained at a higher pressure
- Mammals, blood pumped through heart twice in one circulation
- More efficient in mammals as transporting O2 to tissues to maintain constant body temp/ High Oxygen demand
Describe the artery:
Function: Transport blood away from the heart
- Small lumen to maintain high blood pressure
- Elastic layer to allow for stretch recoil
- Smooth muscle to contract/relax to maintain blood pressure
- Collagen for structure and support/ withstand high blood pressure
Describe the vein:
Function: Transport blood away from the heart
- Large lumen to carry large volume of blood
- Collagen to allow for structural support in transporting large volumes of blood
- Valves to prevent backflow
Describe the capillary:
Function: Allow substances to be exchanged between cells
- High SA:V ratio
- Thin endothelium (one cell thick) to allow for short diffusion distance
How is lymph different to tissue fluid?
Less oxygen and nutrients however more fatty acids