What is Transmutation?
A transmutation is an agreement between spouses made during marriage to alter the ownership characterization of property.
What is the difference between the transmutations after 1/1985 and before 1/1985?
Writing required (since 1/1/1985): A valid transmutation of real or personal property requires a writing, clearly describing the change in ownership, and consent of the adversely affected spouse.
Before 1/1/1985 writing not required: Transmutations could be oral, written, or inferred from the conduct of the parties.
What is the exception for gifts between spouses of insubstantial value?
Where a spouse intends to give the other spouse a personal gift of relatively insubstantial value, taking into account the marital assets, the property will be the SP of the gifted spouse. No writing is required.
Are there to exceptions to allow extrinsic evidence to prove transmutations ?
There are no exceptions to the writing requirement allowing for extrinsic evidence to prove the transmutation. A statement in a will is not admissible to prove the transmutation. Detrimental reliance will not be taken into account.