Translation Flashcards
What are the main components of a ribosome and their functions?
Two unequal subunits: small subunit and large subunit
Small subunit: Contains decoding centre where codon/anticodon binding occurs
Large subunit: Contains peptidyl transferase centre (PTC) where peptide bond formation occurs
Contains three tRNA binding sites (A, P, and E) at the subunit interface
PTC is RNA-rich and peptide bond formation is RNA-catalysed
What are the three tRNA binding sites on a ribosome and what binds to each?
A site (Aminoacyl): Holds incoming aminoacyl-tRNA
P site (Peptidyl): Holds tRNA with growing peptide chain
E site (Exit): Holds deacylated tRNA before it exits
where does ribosome synthesis occur in eukaryotes?
*rRNA transcription and early rRNA processing steps
What are the main steps in the translation elongation cycle?
- Aminoacyl-tRNA binding
- Peptide bond formation
- Translocation of the ribosome along the mRNA
when is the tRNA released from the E site?
During this process, tRNA is released from the E site when new aminoacyl-tRNA binds to the A site
what are the adjacent binding sites of tRNA binding during translation?
A and P site
P and E site
Which GTPases are involved in translation elongation and what are their roles?
*GTP is hydrolysed into GDP
- EF1A (EF-Tu in prokaryotes):
- Brings aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome - EF2 (EFG in prokaryotes):
- Required for translocation
How many GTPases are required per translation elongation cycle?
(EF1A and AF2)
Describe the translation elongation cycle
Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding:
EF1A (called EF-Tu in prokaryotes) brings the aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome
This GTPase delivers the tRNA to the A site
When a new aminoacyl-tRNA enters the A site, any tRNA in the E site is released
Peptide Bond Formation:
Occurs at the peptidyltransferase center (PTC) on the large subunit
This is an RNA-catalyzed reaction (the PTC is RNA-rich)
The growing peptide chain is transferred from the P site tRNA to the amino acid on the A site tRNA
Requires another GTPase called EF2 (EFG in prokaryotes)
The ribosome moves along the mRNA
How does prokaryotic translation initiation differ from eukaryotic initiation?
Uses Shine-Dalgarno sequence that base-pairs with 16S rRNA
Direct recognition of start codon
Involves cap-binding complex (CBC)
Scanning mechanism from 5’ end
Requires Kozak sequence context
More complex process with additional factors
What are the stages of translation?
What GTPases function in the process of translation?
Guanosine tri phosphate
EF1A - binds to charged tRNA and brings them to the ribosomes - hydrolyses GTP after the tRNA has been selected
EF2 - drives the translocation process where the ribosome moves along the mRNA
so they are 2 GTPases required for each cycle of translation elongation
EF2 - bind to initiator tRNA and brought to the P site (not the A site) on the ribosome. / then hydrolyses GTP and is released
RF1 - binds to the A site to trigger termination
RF3 - triggers the release of the terminator factors / hydrolyses GTP / and then allows ribosome complex to be recycled.