Translation Flashcards
What is an enhancer?
Short (50-1500 bp) region of DNA that can be bound by proteins - activators - to start the transcription of a particular gene.
What is the Promoter?
A promoter is a regulatory region of DNA located upstream (5’ region) of a gene, providing a control point for regulated gene transcription.
What is the TATA box?
The TATA box is a sequence of DNA, consisting of nucleobases TATAA.
It is located in the promoter region about 25-30 bases pairs before the site of transcription.
What do genes do without TATA boxes?
Most promoter regions of genes do not contain a TATA box.
In TATA-less genes, transcription factors recognise other promoter sequences and RNA polymerase binds to these instead.
Where are enhancers?
Upstream enhancers can be several thousand kilobase pairs away from the promoter.
The double helix structure of DNA folds and twists which brings the enhancer closer to the promoter.
What is the UTR?
UnTranscribed Region - it is part of DNA and the gene, but is not transcribed.
It is a protector of the genome.
At the 5’ and 3’ end.
3’ end is an insulator.
What are the molecular components of mRNA?
The leader at 5’ end - UTR - anything before the start codon.
Reading Frame - translated.
Trailer at 3’ end - UTR - anything after the stop codon.
Why does mRNA vary?
mRNAs vary in length.
Sequences of mRNA vary because amino acid coding sequences (reading frames) differ, and because leader and trailer sequences differ.
What are ribosomes?
The organelles on which the mRNA is translated.
Consist of two subunits, each of which contains rRNA and ribosomal proteins.
Total 80S
What is the large subunit of ribosomes?
28S rRNA
5.8S rRNA
50 ribosomal proteins.
What is the small subunit of ribosomes?
18S rRNA
30 ribosomal proteins
What is the P site of ribosomes?
Peptidyl site - tRNA binding site
What is the A site of ribosomes?
Aminoacetyle - tRNA binding site
What is the simple outline of translation?
In translation, the mRNA passes through the ribosome, where the codons are recognised by tRNAs carrying the specified amino acids.
What do tRNA do?
Transfer RNA bring amino acids to the ribosomes during translation to be assembled into polypeptide chains.
tRNAs are encoded by tRNA genes.
All tRNA molecules are similiar in size and shape.