Translating medical sentences Flashcards
Up ad lib c(w/line) BRP
up as desired with bathroom privleges
NPO p(w/line) midnight until FBS in am.
Nothing by mouth after midnight until fasting blood sugar in am.
400 cc. PO TID c(w/line) meals.
400 cubic centimes by mouth three times a day with meals.
Up in w/c, assist c(w/line) transfers PRN.
up in wheelchair, assist with transfers as necessary.
Take pt. to PT BID.
take patient to physical therapist twice a day.
Notify nurse if pt. appears SOB.
notify nurse if pt. appears short of breath.
Turn pt Q 2 hrs. c(w/line) lotion rubs to coccyx.
turn patient every two hours with lotion rubs to coccyx.
Amb pt c(w/line) SBA to BR
Walk pt with stand by assistance to bathroom
Give good peri care p(w/line) incontinence
give good peri care after incontinence
range of motion to right upper extremity four times a day
passive range of motion to left upper extremity twice a day
Obtain TPR and BP and report to CN stat.
obtain temp, pulse, respiration and blood pressure and report to charge nurse/clinic nurse(?) immediately.
Encourage H20 intake to decrease chance of UTI
encourage water intake to decrease chance of urinary tract infection
Check V.S. on client stat and QH thereafter
check vital signs on client immediately and every hour thereafter
Elevate HOB of the person c(w/line) CHF
elevate head of bed of the person with congestive heart failure
Bring Cath. to Ca pt c(w/line) c/o DOE
Bring catheter to cancer patient with complaints of dyspnea on exertion
pt F/U p(w/line) AKA
patient follow up after above knee amputation
pt on CBR p(w/line) CVA
patient on complete bed rest after cerebrovascular accident (stroke)