Transitions and twists offsets elbows Flashcards
What is the purpose of transitions
To change the size and or position of the main trunk line
What is used to triangulate the necessary points on a pattern
A diagram of TruE lengths 
When laying up patterns we should try to create inside patterns true or false
Transitions and twists are used to reduce or increase the main trunk lines well maintaining What
Efficient airflow
If a measuring gose from number to number on the same side of the fitting it is known as what
True lengths
How do you number A plan view
Bottom right corner going clock wise
When you have a fitting or two flat sides how many pieces would be required usually
Can any patterns be developed without triangulation
Yes two
Transitional offsets that is marked flat on top has a cheek
Top cheek is flat but back cheek is slanted
Vertical height of a sloped pattern is obtained from what
Slope length of the runners
The swing points for the slopes pattern or calculated the same as a flat pattern
Primary advantage of using transitional Elbows
Combines two fittings
Heel and throat must be kept on transitional elbow at what radius
Three types of triangulation fittings
Top takeoff and boot garbage chute
The hypotenuse is a side of what kind of triangle
Right angle triangle
Hey foreshortened line is what
A line that appears to be shorter than it really is
The true length triangle Horizontal leg is 
The Foreshorteneddimension