Transitions Flashcards
at the beginning
Al principio
beginning with
A partir de
as a starting point
Como punto de partida
in the first place
En primer lugar
in the second, third place
En segundo,tercer lugar
to begin
Para empezar/comenzar
on account of, because of
A causa de
right now
Ahora mismo
upon consideration of
Al considerar
in my opinion
A mi parecer
in spite of everything
A pesar de todo
of course
as in, as much as, since
by no means
De ninguna manera
at any rate
De todos modos
regarding, with respect to
En cuanto a
En realidad
considering that
En vista de que
it is true that, it is certain that
Es cierto que
it is certain that
Es seguro que
a short while ago
Hace poco
until now
Hasta el momento/Hasta la fecha
one must realize that
Hay que tomar en cuenta que
Hoy dia
the truth is
La verdad es
what is essential is
Lo esencial es
what is important is
Lo importante es
what matters is
Lo que importa es
without a doubt
Sin duda
above all
Sobre todo
furthermore, in addition
at the same time
A la (misma) vez
at the same time
al mismo tiempo
with respect to
con respecto a
according to
conforme a
to make known that, to certify that
constar que
from now on
de aquí (ahora, hoy) en adelante
in fact
De hecho
the fact is
El caso es
the fact that
El hecho de que
in other words
en otras palabras
that is to say, in other words
es decir (que)
the reasons for which
las razones por las que
meanwhile, in the meantime
mientras tanto
that is to say, in other words
o sea
to continue
para continuar
to exemplify
para ejemplificar
to illustrate
para ilustrar
as well, besides, in addition
por añadidura
por eso
for example
por ejemplo
firstly, especially
in contrast to
al contrario de
in spite of, despite
a pesar de que
as, given that
given that
Dado que
in the same way
de la misma manera
de lo contrario
on the other hand
de otro modo
on the other hand
en cambio
instead of
en vez de
it is increasingly, every time it is more
es cada vez mas
however, nevertheless
No obstante
for the most part
por la mayor parte
for the reason that
por motivo que
on the other hand
por otro lado
on one hand
por un lado
however, nevertheless
sin embargo
but rather
sino que
all the better, even better
tanto mejor
just as X … , Y
tanto X como Y
because of
a causa de (que)
upon consideration of
al considerar
seemingly, apparently
al parecer
in light of this
ante esto
considering such a fact
ante tal hecho
thus, so, therefore
asi que
as, in as much as
as a consequence, as a result
como consecuencia
as a result of
coma resultado de
owed to, because of
debido a
so that
de manera que
después de (que)
in any case
en todo caso
because of
accordingly, consequently
por consiguiente
for this reason, that’s why
por ese motivo
for the same reason
por lo mismo
therefore, hence
por lo tanto
puesto que
it turns out that
resulta que
one must take into account
se debe tomar en cuenta
it follows that
sigue que
now that, because, seeing that
ya que
in the end, after all
A fin de cuentas
finally, at last, in the end
Al fin
in the end, when all is said and done
Al fin y al cabo
first, first of all
Ante todo
from the above, it is clear that
De lo anterior, se ve que
in any case, anyway
De todas formas
from the above, we can deduce that
De todo esto se deduce que
at any rate
De todos modos
shortly, briefly, in short
En breve
in conclusion
En conclusión
in conclusion, definitely
En definitiva
finally, in short
El fin
in summary
En resumen
in short
En resumidas cuentas
in any case, anyway
En todo caso
what is essential is
Lo esencial es
rather, indeed, to put it another way
Mejor dicho
Para concluir
to conclude
to summarize
Para resumir
Para terminar
to end, to close
Por fin
Por último
consequently, thus
Por siguiente