Transitioning Care Flashcards
what is the discharge portion of this lecture
last 1/3 - this is where the assignment is (this is the most important part)
What is the first and most signifant transition of a patient care?
Hospital admission
Goals and risk of emergency department
transfer of info and clarify who will be taking care of patient
risk: delay of info
What is the principal diagnosis vs problem list
main diagnosis and problems that they have
What info is given to ED
Principal diagnosis
diagnosis list
cognitive status
test results
what additional info may be requested for a transfer of care
level of inpatient care
level of admitting service
timing to obtain critical info
ED boarding (can take time)
If a patient comes from an office, what is this called?
Direct admissions
not typically done (as it is complex)
Direct admissions pros/cons
saves hours
saves overcrowding
sometimes stable in office, but may crash so this can be dangerous
What are some recommendations for direct admissions
admitting diagnose is clear
evaluated the DAY of
What is the clear communication between the PCP and the hospitalist
Prior to transfer
during transfer
after transfer
Prior to transfer: delay in communication d/t going from a small center to large one. Difficult to find a bed. Inappropriate transfer because they went to the wrong center.
during transfer: decompensation as movement from one facility to the next may not have the correct
after transfer: discontinue the care plan causing delay, unnecessary testing increase bill, no shared EMR
What is the complicated patient
skill nursing facility
very hard patients to treat
Post form
tells the code status - full code, DNR, wishes for IV AB
basically what the patient wants
What is the emergency department
Do patients leave the ED immediately after being admitted?
can lead to a lot of issues
should plan for shift changes with a large admitting team to save time
sometimes PAs are there just to transfer care
Can you held liable for patient care during transfer even if they are not at your facility
Outpatient VS Inpatient status is determined by
CMS and insurance
___ midnight rule
2 midnight rule = if they are expected to be there LESS than 2 midnights that will be outpatient. If AT LEAST 2 midnights then inpatient.
Do we prefer inpatient or outpatient
inpatient for money