Transition Elements Flashcards
Module 5
d block elements
Elements with their highest energy electron in the d subshell
Transition element
A d block element which forms at least 1 ion with a partially filled d-orbital
Properties of transition elements
- Have variable oxidation states
- form coloured compounds
- Catalytic properties
- Form complex ions
- Typical metal properties: malleable, ductile, shiny, conductors, h.m.p and h.b.p
Exceptions to filling subshells of transition elements
Chromium and copper
Cr- Instead of 3d4, 4s2 –> 3d5, 4s1 (1 (single) electron in each 3s orbital means more stability)
Cu- Instead of 3d9, 4s2 –> 3d10, 4s1 (full 3d subshell means more stability)
How to draw energy electron configuration boxes
Number of boxes for each subshell: Number of electrons the subshell can carry divided by 2
1s: 1 box
2s: 1 box
2p: 3 boxes
3s: 1 box
3p: 3 boxes
3d: 5 boxes
What aren’t transition elements and why?
Scandium- only forms Sc3+, which has an empty d orbital
Zinc- only forms Zn2+, which has a full d orbital
Variable oxidation states
Examples of 4 transition elements
Transition elements form ionic compounds with more than 1 oxidation state
Transition elements form coloured compounds
Colour of a transition element compound varies with different oxidation states.
Transition elements as catalysts:
Good catalysts as they can change oxidation state by losing or gaining electrons. They speed up reactions by transferring electrons.
Increased toxicity:
- Copper long term exposure damages liver and kidneys
- Manganese exposure causes psychiatric problems.
Haber process: Fe
Contact process: V2O5
Hydrogenation of alkenes: Ni catalyst
Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide: MnO2
Zinc and acid reactions: CuSO4 catalyst
Transition elements form complex ions:
Complex ion definition
Ligand definition
Coordinate bond definition
Coordination number definition
A complex ion is a central transition metal ion surrounded by ligands bonded by coordinate bonds.
Ligand is a molecule or ion that donates a pair of electrons to a central metal ion to form a coordinate bond.
Dative covalent bond
Number of coordinate bonds attched to central metal ion.
Monodente ligand
Bidente ligand
A ligand that donates 1 lone pair of electrons to the central metal ion, forming 1 coordinate bond.
Ligands that donate 2 lone pairs of electrons to the central metal ion, forming 2 coordinate bonds.
What affects shape of complex ions
Coordination number and size of ligands
Shape of complex ions (coordination number)
Coordination number of:
6- Octahedral shape, 90 degrees
4- Tetrahedral shape, 109.5 degrees or square planar, 90 degrees
Name of complexes with:
- octahedral shape
- tetrahedral or square planar shape
- six-coordinate complexes
- four-coordinate complexes
How to find oxidation state of metal in a complex ion
Total oxidation state of metal= total oxidation state- total oxidation state of ligands
When does cis-trans isomerism occur
When does optical isomerism occur
In octahedral and square planar complex ions
In octahedral complexes with 2 or more bidente ligands
Its cis when the ligands are next to eachother (90 degrees apart)
Its trans when the ligands are opposite eachother (180 degrees apart)
A complex of Pt(II) metal ion with 2 Cl- ligands and 2 NH3 ligands in a square planar shape
Used as an anti-cancer drug:
- Chloride ligands are easy to displace, so detach from complex.
- Complex bonds to 2 nitrogen atoms on DNA molecule of cancerous cell
- Prevents cancerous cell from reproducing/replicating by division and cell will die.
- However, cisplatin can also affect healthy cells, e.g., blood, which can suppress immune system. May also causes damage to kidneys.
Ligand substitution reaction definition
Reaction where 1 ligand in a complex ion is replaced by another ligand
Bonding in haemoglobin
Haemoglobin contains Fe2+ ions.
Fe2+ has 6 ligands: 5 Nitrogen ligands and 1 H2O ligand. When oxygen concentration is high, O2 substitutes the H2O, forming oxyhaemoglobin.
What happens when carbon monoxide is inhaled?
In presence of CO, the H2O ligand is substituted for CO, which is a strong ligand and does not readily exchange with O2. This means haemoglobin can no longer transport O2 around the body.
Oxidation of of Fe2+ to Fe3+ colour change? Conditions?
Reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ colour change? Conditions?
Purple MnO4 - to colourless Mn2+
H+/MnO4 -
yellow Fe 3+ to pale-green Fe2+
Oxidation of Cr 3+ to Cr2O7 2- colour change?
Reduction of Cr2O7 2- to Cr 3+ colour change?
Reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ colour change?
Wats happens to Cu+ later
Colour change-
Cu+ is unstable and in aqeous solutions with hot dilute H2SO4 it spontaneously disproportionates to produce Cu and Cu2+
How can transition element ions be identified?
Using NaOH or NH3, which form coloured precipitates.
Cu2+- blue preciptate
Fe2+ green precipitate
Fe3+ orange precipitate
Mn2+ pink precipitate
Cr3+ grey- green precipitate
How can ligands be identified?
carbonate test, sulfate test, halide test, NH4+ test
Why is alkaline solution sometimes added in redox reactions with transition metals?
Transition metals with low oxidation states are more easily oxidised in alkaline solution than acidic solution.
(as its easier to remove electron move negatively charged ion)(becomes -ve when alkaline added)