Transition Economies Flashcards
Key aspects of the transition process
- liberalisation of markets
- privatisation (transferred to the private sector)
- reduction in protectionism
- reduced government subsidies
- legal reforms
- banking reforms
Problems transition economies face: removal of subsidies
Rise in unemployment as unprofitable businesses shed thousands of jobs
Problems transition economies face: removal of subsidies and price ceilings
Inflation (sometimes hyper-inflation)
Problems transition economies face: what often occurs in the early stages of transition
Problems transition economies face: underlying lack of cost and no-price competitiveness
Large trade deficits
Problems transition economies face: wealth and income
Inequalities - Gini coefficient increased
Advantages of free market competition
- efficiency allocation of scarce resources (they tend to do where the market return is highest)
- competitive prices
- innovation
- investment
- international trade = reduce monopoly power
Disadvantages of centrally planned economies
- costs of planning
- problems in fixing the prices of goods and services
- absence of incentives = reduced productivity
- no incentive to innovate
- state slow to react to changing preferences
- information failures
Disadvantages of centrally planned economies: problems in fixing the prices of goods and services
Central planners are unlikely to be as accurate as the market in determining suitable equilibrium prices