Transistions: normal postpartum Flashcards
when does postpartum start ?
24-48 hrs after birth
72 hrs after C-sec
how many stages of labor?
what does the 1st stage involve?
- latent phase: when contractions become regular and painful and cervical effacement and dilation commence to 3 cm
> dont want to give anything for pain, could make contractions stop - active phase: labor is well established when contractions becoming more painful, frequent and longer
> 4-8cm - transition phase: contractions take on more expulsive nature, bearing down feeling, mood swings
> 8-10 cm
second stage
commences with full dilation of cervix and ends with delivery of baby
> during: fetal head descends under the pubic arch and gradually thins and stretches the vaginal opening
> contractions occur q 2-3 min?
for primips (nullip)- can last up to 3 hrs - usually push for 60 min
for multip- can be less than 20 min
third stage
birth of baby until the placenta and membranes are delivered
> the separation of placenta facilitated by uterine contractions
> once the baby born, the uterus contracts and retracts which causes the placenta to pull away from the wall of the uterus
> usually occurs within 20-30 min. if longer than 30 min, might start to get worried about hemorrage
fourth stage
one to 4 hrs after birth, although 2 hrs is most common
> time for psychological adjustment and stabilization for the mother… also includes the baby adjustment to extrauterine life
characteristics of postpartum
how long does it last?
> up to 6 weeks after birth
> physical and psychological adjustments to a preperg state
> considered to be retrogressive (getting back to prepreg state) and progressive (C-sec scar/episiotomy)
Physiological changes of the uterus
immediately postpartum
> uterus is size of grapefruit, 5 cm below umbilicus and above pubic symph
> the walls clamp and the vessels compress
> 6-12 hrs postpartum—> the uterus is at the umbilicus
> usual descent is 1cm/day. at 10 days, it should be back down
what if the uterus is boggy and high?
> causes increase bleeding and clot formation
> uterus is being lazy and can cause increased bleeding
what if the uterus is firm and deviated to the side?
> may be a full bladder
> get PT to void IF she is not hemorrhaging
what about size/weigh of uterus?
> decrease in weight from 1000 gm to 50gm
reverse hypertrophy. same amount to cells. just shrink
> myo- lining of uterus. takes about 3 weeks to heal and the placenta site takes about 6-7 weeks to heal
how do you check the fundus?
one hand at pubis and other at top of fundus.
use only one hand if she had a C-sec
what factors affect involution
(causing no contraction…)
- prolonged labor
- GA
- excessive analgesia
- difficult birth
- grand multip- 5 or more. poor uterus muscles
- overdistension of the uterus- too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnious), big baby, twins
- full bladder
- retention of products of conception
- infection
When mom gets up out of bed she feels blood gush and run down her leg. What do you do?
> ease mom back to bed and assess how much blood loss, clotting, pad? is it coming from a tear?
assess fundus
do VS
do more frequent assessments
massage the uterus
have her empty bladder q2h. she would lose sensation after birth and so getting her to pee would start to dierese her
get her brest feeding. hormones are released from feeding which will help contraction of the uterus
changes to the Cervix, vagina and perimeum
cx and vag-
>bruised and poss lacerations
> decreased vag tone
> dysparunia (painful intercourse) - teach the use of water sol gel
> intact? tear or episiotomy?
> assess for REEDA ( redness, edema, ecchymosis, discharge and approximation), pain
> also assess for hamorrhage
Nursing interventions for perineum
> assess for pain q shift or more
assess knowledge- how to care for site
> application of ice pack or tea bag pads (titanic acid draws out the swelling, inflam, bacteria
> Peri bottle usage- little soap and water. use after voiding
> inspect and wipe clean to dirty
> kegals
> sitz bath- for up to 20min a few times per day
reproductive health
return to mensuration varies
non-breast feeding = 7-12 weeks
breast feeding can be as early as 12 weeks and as delayed as 3
return of ovulation
non-breast feeding 70-75 days
breast feeding 6 months
teaching sexual activities
> after lochia serosa
when there is decreased pain
alternative positions
use of lubricant
> talk about contraception
Changes in the GI system
Delay in BM
> there is decreased eating during labor
> often BM in L and D d/t pushing
> fear of BM d/t pain from episiotomy
> give stool softeners
> diet high in roughage and + fluids (for BM and breast feeding)
> hemorrhoid care
change in urinary system
caused by: > increased capacity > swelling > bruising and pain > decreased sensation
> assess amount, frequency and characteristics
> need to empty q2h
> S and S of bladder infection
changes in VS
always go back to see what her normal was.
> 1st 24 hrs can be up to 38.0 C d/t over exertion and dehydration
> if elevated temp after 24 hrs, infection? premature rupture of membranes?
> if elevated temp 3-4 days, could be d/t lactogensis (milk coming in). only seen if the mom had a C-sec
> transient increase to normal within a few days
> exceptions. PIH (preg inducted HTN) and PPH (post-part hemorrhage
> bradycardia for 6-10 days = Normal
> tachycardia associated with blood loss, infection, fear and pain
blood changes
Leukocytosis - esp in long labors
> increased defense against infection, increased healing process
> 25,000 - 30,000 (usual 4,500 - 11,000)
> will return tp normal by the end of the first week
Hgb and Hct
> assess after day 2, normal or better in 2-6 weeks
> Hgb below 120 = anemic
> best indicator to assess Hgb is after she has diuresed
> best assessed after day 2 - due to hemodilution
other blood changes
> fall due to placenta separation
> increased by the 3-4 day
Fibrinolytic levels:
> normal for first few hrs but are at risk for thromboembolism in first 6 weeks d/t increase diameter of veins.
> talk to mom about exercising
> rub the legs all the way down to feel for any painful and hot spots
> also assess CWMS
factors associated with risk of thromboembolic disease
> pelvic or abd surgery - C-sec or abd surg is at higher risk > hx/fam hx of disease > obesity (BMI >30) > age >35 > operative delivery - forceps > varicose veins > prolonged immobility > multiparity *** > active infection or inflammation
other blood tests to consider postpartum:
blood group and type:
> mom Rh- and baby Rh+. if mom is -, must check baby
Rubella titre:
> if mom had titre < 10 yr or if she is considered non-immune, mom will need MMR vaccine. give to mom bfr she goes home. it would protect the next baby. not this one.
altered comfort/pain r/t
> peritoneal pain d/t tear/episiotomy…
after pains d/t decreased tone of uterus and alternating contractions and relaxing of the uterus.
> increase in oxytocin admin
> increase breast feeding
> increases with multips or with distended uterus (large baby, twins, hydramnious)
> severe up to 2-3 days
Nursing interventions:
> education
> analgesics –> often given bfr breast feeding. tylenol/ibuprofin
> change positions. on side and give warm blanket
Cesarean birth post-op care:
> most women would have had a spinal or epidural anesthesia for C-sec which restricts sensation and motor function
> policy dictates frequency of assessment. resp q…?
> women will have a longer recovery time, breast feeding can be more challenging d/t painful incision area.
Teach different positions. on side, pillow…
> may feel angry/disappointed that they failed. let them ask questions, express feeling and seek clarity
> reinforce that vag birth is poss after C/S
> teach about wound infection: redness, swelling, discharge, increased pain and when to go to the doctors
psychosocial dimensinos
Rubin Theory
1) taking in phase
> first 1-2 days.
> passive, somewhat dependent and preoccupied with her own needs. Needs to talk about L and D
> food and sleep and major focus
2) taking hold phase
> around 2-3 days
> becomes concerned about care of baby and is ready to learn.
> becomes more independent
3) letting go phase
> defines new role and gives up old role
> rqrs grief work and readjust of relationships
Posr partum blues
how do these women present?
> transient. non-problematic. experienced by 50-80%
> appears within first few days and resolves within 10-14 days
\: >mood swings > anger > teary > anorexia > diff sleeping > letting down feeling
> changing hormonal and psychological adjustment, insecurity, unsupported environment, fatigue, discomfort and overstimulation
Nursing interventions:
> assess
> ask them the seek assistance and do this when dad is in the room
> let them know what to look for so it doesnt turn into PPD
> mom might not realize. other ppl will notice bfr her
> 10-15% of women experience within the first year of birth
more serious than the blues with intense mood swings and pervasive sadness
many women go to great lengths to conceal their ppd. family notice. include family in teaching so they can recognize the S/S and can know what to watch for
postpartum psychosis
> rare with 0.1 - 0.2 % of women affected
> includes auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia, delirium and impulsive thoughts and actions
becoming a father
> some men feel excluded, like sitting on the sidelines
> include dad and give them jobs
parent education
newborn care:
> importance of skin to skin. keeping baby warm. one more layer than adult
feeding q3 hr
infant crying. let baby cry for 5 min. avoid shaken baby syndrome
diaper changes: 6-10 wet/ day
poop? other slide
sleep: need to wake baby up to feed. no bumper pads. no tight swaddle. no sleeping with baby
> cord: keep dry and check for redness
tummy time: to help with neck muscles and shape of head
consoling techniques: soother
car seat safety: need to bring in to be checked
weight loss/gain
follow-up doc apt- babies best chance book
meconium: thick, tarry, dark green
transitional: thin brown/green
breastfed: yellow/gold, soft/mushy
formula fed: pale yellow, pale/pasty
maternal care
> newborn feeding: breast, nipple care, engorgement, expressing, rest/activity, maintaining adequate hydration
PP blues and depression
smoke free environment- wash hands/smoke jacket
self-care: flow, what to expect, peri bottle, nutrition, pain management, contraception/sex, incision care, when to call doc
increased pain, increasing bleeding
aware of public health nurse contact
alteration/ change or lochia
notice of increased swelling (thrombophlebitis)
breast infection signs
sexual activity - lochia stopped (3 weeks up to 6 weeks). might experience vag dryness
bowel elimination