Transformations Flashcards
No one explained why the lecture had started so late.
Was: No _______________ to why the lecture had started so late.
explanation was given as to why
There is a mistaken believe that diamonds are valuable.
That: People ______________ diamonds are valuable
mistakenly believe that diamonds are valuable
Our parents appreciated the time and effort we put into organizing their party.
Of: Our parents ____________ the time and effort we put into organizing their party.
were appreciative of
There was some misinformation surrounding the rescheduling of the event.
About: We ___________ rescheduled.
were misinformed about the event being rescheduled
We discussed at length how to approach the problem of things being mislaid in the office.
About: We __________________ how to approach the problem of things being mislaid in the office.
had a discussion about
I spent ages doing my homework last night:
Long: It ________________ to finish my homework.
took me a long time
The weather was bad, so it wasn’t the perfect holiday.
It: But ________________ would have been the perfect holiday.
for the bad weather, it
Please don’t turn the radio on now. It will wake the baby up.
Rather: I _______________ turn the radio on now.
would rather you didn’t
You shouldn’t go out tonight since you have school tomorrow.
Better: You ______________ tonight.
better not go out
Keith is the best tennis player of all.
Than: Keith ________________ anyone else.
is a better tennis player than
We were late arriving at the cinema and so missed the start of the film.
By: The film had ________________ we arrived at the cinema.
already started by the time
Simond found the recipe book very hard to follow.
Difficulty: Simon ________________ the recipe book.
had difficulty (in) following
I was just about to call you to see what time you were coming.
Point: I _______________________ to see what time you were coming.
was on the point of calling you
At this time of the year, the area is often affected by violent storms.
Feels: At this time of the year, the are often _________ violent storms.
feels the efects of
Many people said they had had enough of the economic situation.
Fed: An awful lot _________ the economic situation.
of people were fed up with
Very few people put forward suggestions at the meeting.
Anyone: ____________ the meeting put forward any suggestions.
Hardly anyone at
Although we were working hard, we were making no progress.
Progress: No _____________ we were working hard.
progress was being made although
We spent ages trying to solve the problem.
Figure: It took us a great deal _________ the solution.
of time to figure out
The news of her promotion came as a complete surprise to her.
Aback: She was _______ the news of her promotion.
completely taken aback by
She apologised for being late and said that something urgent had happened just as she was leaving the house.
Cropped: She was sorry she was late but something urgent _______ the last minute
had cropped up at
If there’s a halo around the sun or the moon you can be sure it is going to rain.
Be: You can be sure it’s going to rain ________ a halo around the moon.
should there be
The frequency of cricket chirps can tell you the temperature when you listen to it carefully.
To: The frequency of cricket chirps will tell you the temperature ______ carefully
if you listen to it
Daisies try their hardest to protect themselves from rain by closing their petals soon before it’s due.
The: Daisies ________ to protect themselves from rain by closing their petals.
do the best they can
It took severals weeks for Emily to persuade Huang to join her on the bike trip.
Talked: Huang _________ Emily on her bike trip after several weeks.
was talked into joining
This is the third warning from me this week about being late for work.
Not: This is the third time this week I __________ be late for work.
have warned you not to be
I hated pasta when I was a child but now I cook it regularly.
Use: I _________ pasta when I was a child but now I cook it regularly.
did not use to like
We wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
Like: We __________ on with our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
would like to have kept
I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
Sooner: I _____________ in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
would sooner have stayed
Didn’t you want me to tell the staff about your resignation?
Rather: Would ________________ the staff know about your resignation.
you rather I had not let
An almost complete lack of cheap housing means most young adults can’t afford a house.
Virtually: There is ___________ so young adults can’t buy a house.
virtually no affordable housing
Signing the contract without the director’s approval is not allowed.
Circumstances: Under _____________ sign the contract without the director’s approval.
no circumstances may you
I don’t believe Jane ran that distance in only five minutes.
Possibly: Jane _____________ that distance in only five minutes.
can’t possibly have run
Due to the difficulty of the questions asked, he only narrowly missed failing the exam.
Scrape: The questions were so difficult that he only just managed ___________ the exam.
to scrape through
Being asked to identify the attacker was a nerve-racking experience for the witness.
Pick: The witness was very agitated when she was asked to step forward and ____________.
pick out the attacker
His retelling of the events was completely at odds with what had actually happened.
Resemblance: His story ___________ reality
bore no resemblance to
There was uncertainty over the animal’s ability to pull through after the operation.
Go: It was ________________ the animal would survive the operation.
touch and go whether
The taxi that collected us from the airport had been arranged by the hotel.
Collect: The hotel had _______________ us from the airport.
arranged for a taxi to collect
I found him difficult to work with because he always left things until the last minute.
Put: It was difficult working with someone who always __________ until the last minute.
puts things off
It’s strange that he didn’t mention the interview to me.
Neglected: I don’t know why he _______________ me about his interview.
neglected to tell
On leaving university, the idea of working abroad had crossed my mind.
Considered: I had _________________ left university.
considered working abroad after I
I can’t understand how Phil managed to move the wardrobe on his own.
Clue: I ____________ Phil managed to move the wardrobe on his own.
haven’t a clue how
Winning the award was a complete surprise to Hannah.
Blue: Winning the award ______________ for Hannah.
came out of the blue
Fiona booked a holiday before she’d asked for time off work.
Liberty: Fiona _________________ a holiday before she’d asked for time off work.
took the liberty to book
I phoned my mum as soon as I arrived, so that she wouldn’t worry about me.
Rest: I put my mum’s _________________ as soon as I arrived.
mind at rest by phoning
Rosa found it very difficult to persuade her boss to give her a pay rise.
Great: Rosa had ________________ her boss to give her a pay rise.
great difficulty (in) persuading
The moment I shouted he ran away.
Sooner: No ________________ he ran away.
sooner had I shouted than
I’m really bad at remembering people’s names when I meet them.
Memory: I ___________________ people’s names when I meet them.
have a really bad memory for remembering
This was Peter’s biggest challenge to date.
Faced: Peter _______________ challenge before.
had never faced such a big
He’s so ambitious, he’s determined that he’ll be successful in the company.
Mark: He’s determined ____________ in the company.
to make his own mark
I don’t have any free time, so I can’t come to the theatre with you.
Would: If I _________________ come to the theatre with you.
had some free time I would
People are more interested in history than you might expect.
Less: You _____________________ interested in history.
might expect people to be less
The number of people travelling through the airport was highest in August.
Reached: The number of people travelling through the airport _______________ in August.
reached its peak
The number of visitors to the island has fallen dramatically.
Steep: There _____________ the number of visitors to the island.
has been a steep fall in
He has been banned from entering the building.
Allowed: Under no ___________________ enter the building.
circumstances may he be allowed
It didn’t say anything about the extra charges in the brochure.
Anything: Nowhere in _______________ about the extra charges.
the brochures did it say anything
I don’t think I’ve ever met such an interesting person as Jake.
Just: _______________ interesting person I’ve ever met.
Jake is just about the most
You don’t often meet people who have taught themselves Chinese.
Anyone: Rarely _________________ taught themselves Chinese.
do you meet anyone who has
The cost of living is far higher now than it used to be.
Than: Everything costs considerably _____________
more now than it used to
Very little has changed since the last time I visited this village.
Same: The village is much _________________ I last visited it.
the same as when
He will not forget to collect us from the airport.
Account: On _______________ collected from the airport.
no account will we not be
As the hours passed I became increasingly worried about them.
Later: The __________________ worried about them.
later it got, the more I
She hasn’t driven since she passed her driving test ten years ago.
Gaining: Not ______________ licence ten years ago has she driven.
since gaining her driving
No one explained what was going on.
Was: No ___________________ to what was going on.
explanation was made as to what was going on.
It is commonly believed that teams that wear red often win football matches.
Is: There ______________ that teams that wear red often win football matches.
is a common belief
I expect I’ll leave home before I’m twenty.
Time: I expect I will ________________ I’m twenty.
have left home by the time
I know that I’ll find the right job soon.
Matter: I know __________________ before I find the right job.
it is a matter of time
They confidently expect the broadcast to go ahead at 6 p.m.
Sure: They _____________________ go ahead at 6 p.m.
are sure that the broadcast will
I’m sure he’ll get a promotion very soon.
Long: I’m sure _________________ he gets a promotion.
it will not be long before
I have decided to make a definite plan for my future carrer.
Am: What ____________________ is make a definite plan for my future carrer.
I am going to do
Staying another night would have meant paying more.
If: I would have had to __________________ another night.
pay more if I had stayed
People will always want entertainment, providing that they have the time to enjoy it.
Long: There will always be a need for entertainment, ____________ the time to enjoy it.
as long as people have
Scientists have made an unexpected discovery in the treatment of cancer.
Breakthrough: There _________________ in the treatment of cancer.
has been an unexpected breakthrough in
I thought very hard but I couldn’t remember the answer.
Racked: I ____________ to remember the answer.
racked my brains
I made the decision to go to university after all.
Decided: What I ___________________ to university after all.
decided to do was to go
However hard I look, up to now I haven’t been able to find a job.
Although: I haven’t been able to find a job ___________ looking really hard.
although I have been
I don’t think my future job prospects are very good, which is very worrying.
About: I _______________ my future job prospects.
am very worried about
Originally, the course was to include music, but that changed.
Have: Originally, the course ___________________, but that changed.
was to have music included
The only thing I didn’t love about the concert was the price.
From: I loved everything ____________ the price.
from the concert except for
Even if you think you know the person well, you must work at the relationship.
However: You must work at the relationship ______________ you know the person.
however well you think
It was only when he started to work hard that Peter got good results.
After: Peter got good results _____________ work hard.
only after he had started to
I planned to visit her on Friday but I heard she’d gone on holiday.
Would: I __________ on Friday but I heard she’d gone on holiday.
would have visited her
They were supposed to publish my book next month but it’s been delayed.
Due: Although my book _____________ next month, it’s been delayed.
was due to be published
I’d planned a meeting with her at the weekend but she called it off.
Going: I ____________ at the weekend but she called it off.
was going to meet her
The irate customer refused to speak to anyone other than the store manager.
On: The irate customer ___________ the store manager and no one else.
insisted on talking to
I was just about to call you to tell you about the rearranged meeting.
Point: I was ______________ you to tell you about the rearranged meeting.
on the point of calling
My sister was totally shocked when she won the lottery.
Came: Winning the lottery ______________ my sister.
came as a total shock to
Joe originally intended to drive but the bad weather caused him to change his mind.
Was: Joe’s _____________ but the bad weather caused him to change his mind.
original intention was to drive
It was heavy snow on the line that delayed the train.
Held: The train would have arrived on time if it __________ heavy snow on the line.
had not been held up by
She realised she’d lost her keys the moment she arrived home.
Sooner: No _______________ she realised she’d lost her keys.
sooner had she arrived home than
He clearly felt very strongly about the situation, which took me by surprise.
Strength: It ______________ about the situation that took me by surprise.
was the strength of his feelings
Brian was interested in North American history in his school days.
Interest: Brian ________________ North American history in his school days.
developed an interest for
When it comes to population, Beijing’s is much bigger than Auckland’s.
Populated: Beijing is _______________ than Auckland.
much more populated
The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff.
Consideration: The manager should _______________ when hiring new staff.
take experience into consideration
The shares index fell slightly before recovering to its previous level.
Brief: There _______________ in the shares index before it recovered to its previous level.
was a brief dip
Although many travel companies had financial difficulties last year, they seem to have recovered now.
Trend: Although many travel companies had financial difficulties last year, it seems as though ____________ now.
the trend has been reversed
Some people have been saying what a good move emigrating would be.
Argued: It ________ emigrating would be a good move.
has been argued that
The size of the population is unlikely to change much in the near future.
Stable: The size of the population ______________ in the near future.
is likely to remain stable
“I think Joe should seriously reconsider his plans”: said the careers advisor.
Recommended: The careers advisor _______________ his plans.
recommended that Joe should seriously reconsider
It does not matter if you think you know the subject well, you must revise for the exam.
However: You must revise for the exam, _____________ you know the subject.
however well you think
It was only after telling everyone that it was his birthday that John got lots of cards.
Having: John only got lots of cards _______________ it was his birthday.
after having told everyone
However hard she tries, she still manages to offend people.
Matter: It _________________ she tries, she still manages to offend people.
does not matter how hard
Whatever film you want to see will be good for us.
Mind: We ________________ film you want.
do not mind seeing whatever
Before he put forward the proposal, I’m sure he took the comments of local residents on board.
Will: Before he put forward the proposal, I’m sure he ________________ of local residents on board.
will have taken the comments
The test will be difficult, so please don’t think otherwise.
Illusion: Please ________________ test will be easy, because it won’t.
be under no illusion that the
I like all the people working as managers in this company.
Who: I like everyone _____________ position in this company.
who has a management
The service was first-class and the rooms were excellent too. Only: Not \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ but the service was first-class too.
only were the rooms excellent
You have two possibilities - driving there or going by train.
Either: You ____________ there by train.
can either drive or go
At the concert I did not play as well as I expected.
Should: I _______________ at the concert.
should have played better
You’ll easily manage to finish the work by friday.
Difficulties: You ____________- the work by friday.
will not have difficulties in finishing
The food at this restaurant is delicious and the prices are very reasonable.
Meals: This restaurants _____________ very reasonable prices.
offers delicious meals at
I think this type of mobile phone would be the best choice for you.
Suggest: I ______________ this type of mobile phone.
suggest that you should buy
I hope to be able to see the Bolshoi Ballet when I’m in Moscow.
Chance: I hope I _________ to the Bolshoi Ballet when I’m in Moscow.
get the chance to go
Milly burst out laughing when she saw herself in the mirror.
Sight: Milly burst into _________________ herself in the mirror.
laughter when she caught sight of
They all assume that Penny will provide hospitality.
Granted: Everyone ______________ Penny will provide hospitality.
takes it for granted that
I need to arrange to have my hair done soon.
Time: It _________________ with the hairdresser.
is time I made an appointment
The way he behaves is intolerable.
Put: I can not ____________ any longer.
put up with his behaviour
Sarah has responsibility for encouraging pupils to read at the school where she works.
Charge: Sarah ________________ at the school where she works.
is in charge of encouraging reading
When writing for the student magazine you should remember that the teachers will read it too.
Worth: When you write for the school magazine ___________ mind that teachers will read it too.
it is worth keeping in
Tim and his twin agree about most things.
Eye: Tim and his twin _____________ as most things are concerned.
see eye to eye as far
It is not Suzie’s fault that the window got broken.
Blame: Suzie _______________ the window.
is not to blame for breaking
Today Gina jumped higher than anyone in the world has ever done before.
Broke: Today Gina _______________ high jump.
broke the world record for the
Pete finds it really satisfying to play the violin.
Lot: Pete gets _________________ the violin.
a lot of satisfaction from playing
Patrick maintains that he kept his word that he would not tell about Jane’s secret.
Promise: Patrick denies ______________ Jane’s secret.
having broken his promise to
The first thing Suzie does on waking up is open the curtains to see what the weather is like.
Soon: Suzie opens the curtains _______________ to see what the weather is like.
as soon as she wakes up
For a long time José found it strange to drive on the left in Britain.
Used: It took José a long time ____________ on the left in Britain.
to get used to driving
It does not seem to me as if Louise is worried about her course.
Tell: As _______________, Louise is not worried about her course.
far as I can tell
Jack has several close friends that he talks to about how he feels whenever he has a problem.
Share: Jack has several close friends _______________ whenever he has a problem.
to share his feelings with
Pauline asked me to have a quick look at the report before it was made public.
Eye: Pauline asked me to ______________ the report before it was made public.
run/cast my eye over
The twins are so alike that most people find it hard to distinguish one from the other.
Difference: The twins are so alike that not many people __________________ them.
can hardly tell the difference between
Surely if Sandra had caught the train, she’d be here by now.
Missed: Sandra _________________ she’d be here by now.
must have missed the train or
Unfortunately, Katie has decided to withdraw from the competition.
Pull: Unfortunately, Katie has made up ________________ the competition.
her mind to pull out of
Sometimes friends stop appreciating each other, and that’s a pity.
Granted: Sometimes friends start _____________ is a pity.
taking each other for granted which
My boss isn’t going to lay anyone off, even though the situation is difficult for the company right now.
Of: My boss _________________ redundant even though the situation is difficult for the company right now.
has no intention of making anyone
They say New York was a rather aggressive city 20 years ago, but it feels quite friendly these days.
Supposed: New York __________ a rather aggressive city 20 years ago, but it feels quite friendly these years.
was supposed to be
Jenny was the only person who really didn’t want to tidy up after the party.
Objected: It _______________ up after the party.
was Jenny who objected to tidying
The new software isn’t the main point for discussion tomorrow, but if the subject happens to be randomly brought up by anyone, I’ll give my views.
Raise: The new software isn’t the main point for discussion tomorrow, but ____________ any chance, I’ll give my views.
should somebody raise the subject by
“As we climb higher, it will get harder to breathe”, our guide warned us at the start of the trek.
The: Our guide warned us that the higher ______________ get.
we climbed, the harder breathing would