Transfer of title Flashcards
What is bailment?
Bailor transfer possession to the bailee to hold property on their behalf
What is attornment?
The passing off constructive possession from one party to another
A (bailor) puts stock in Bs (bailee’s) workshop
A sells stock to C but asks B to store and deliver them on behalf of A
What are the main types of goods involved in a sale of goods transaction? (5)
- Future
- existing
- specific goods
- unascertained goods
- Ascertained goods
Can s12(1) SoGA seller right to sell be excluded? Law?
Cannot be excluded – s6 UCTA
In B2C, cannot be excluded – s31(1) CRA
Definition of future goods? Law?
Goods that ae to be manufactured / sourced by the seller, after the sale is entered into
Existing goods definition?
Already owned / possessed by seller
Specific goods definition?
Parties are able to identify the goods when the contract is made
Which pieces of legislation concern when property passes?
S16 SoGA
S17 SoGA
S18 SoGA
No property will pass to buyer until unascertained goods become ascertained
(subject to s20A SoGA)
What is the exception to s16 SoGA?
S28 SoGA
What should you do if the problem question does not concern unascertained goods?
Go straight to s17 SoGA
Where sale is for specific / ascertained goods, property is transferred when the parties intended
Must consider the terms of the contract, conduct, and the circumstances of the case to determine intention
If no intention clear, rules applied for ascertaining intention of the parties
For specific goods, seller may reserve right of disposal until certain conditions are fulfilled
S18 rule 1
Where unconditional contract for specific goods, property passes when contract entered into
S18 rule 2
Specific goods: where seller must put goods in deliverable state, property passes when goods made deliverable and buyer is notified
S18 rule 3
Specific goods in deliverable state: where seller must weigh / measure / test goods to ascertain price, property does not pass until this is done and buyer notified
S18 rule 4
When goods delivered to buyer, property does not pass until:
a. Buyer signifies acceptance or does an act adopting transaction
b. Does not signify acceptance but retains goods beyond reasonable time to reject
How is deliverable state defined? Law?
S61 (5)
Where goods are delivered in such a state, buyer is bound to take delivery
Which case concerns deliverable state? Facts?
Underwood v Burgh Castle
Machines were bolted to concrete when delivered; found not to be in a deliverable state until unbolted
S18 rules 5
Where goods are unascertained, they must be in a deliverable state and unconditionally appropriated for property to pass
What case law concerns s18 rule 5? (6)
Smyth v Bailey 1940 Carlos Federspiel v Twigg Hendy Lennox Re London Wine Co Re Goldcorp Exchange Pignatoro v Gilroy
What does unconditional mean? Case?
“unconditional” means no further obligations such as payment expected from the parties
e.g. Conditional = rot clause
Smyth v Bailey