Transcription II Flashcards
3 major ways to process pre-mRNA?
Splicing: excise introns, desegment exons
TAKE place WHILE RNA is being made
Replace 5’ triphosphate w/ a backwards 7-methylguanosine (no phosphate) .
3 steps:
1.) Triphosphatase removes Pi
2.) Guanylyl transferase (removes PPi), to produce gaunosine cap
3.) Guanine 7-methyltransferase (gives methyl group to guanine cap)
cleavage of RNA at 3’ end past the consensus sequence, polyadenylation (>200 A’s ) of the cleaved site (at 3’ OH exposed by cleavage) (partly responsible for Pol II being released from DNA)
Pre-mRNA vs. mature mRNA
pre-mRNA is considerably longer (has introns), no cap… has triphosphate group at 5’, no poly-A tail.
Function of 5’ cap?
Makes 5’ end resistant to exonucleases that target “long ends” of single D/RNA strands
Helps with splicing & processing through cap-binding complex that recognizes cap (primers for splicing, 3’ tail, translation)
In cytoplasms the cap-binding complex is replaced by eIF4E… vital facilitator of translation! for transport to ribos.
WHEN CAP REMOVED, signals mRNA to be degraded
3 rxns to add 5’ cap to pre-mRNA
- ) Cut off last Po4 from triphos group at 5’ end, triphosphatase
- ) Add GTP backwards via guanylyl transferase (it loses 2 Po4 groups of its own, making GMP) and forms a 5’ to 5’ triphosphate bond (2 PO4 from mRNA, 1 Po4 from GMP) to the end of the mRNA.
- ) Guanine 7-methyl transferase: methylate the 7-position of the guanosine cap via S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM)… to form 7-methylguanosine at cap
Important sequences
GU marks beginning of every intron at 5’ end, AG at 3’ end.
Consensus seq at poly A site: AAUAAA
Splicing defects?
Cause genetic disorders of CD44 (cancer metastasis) and spinal muscular atrophy
Function of U1 and U2 snRNA’s?
Located in nucleus (where splicing happens)
U1snRA binds the GU 5’ splice site
U2snRNA binds to the branch point (A) on the pre-mRNA seq b/w 5’ and 5’ splice sites
U2AF binds 3’ splice site (AG)
Lariat splicing
U1snRNP brings 5’ splice site near to branch point
U2snRP activates 2’ OH group at branch point, which attacks the phosphodiester just past the GU 5’ splice site
Now there is a free 3’ OH on the 5’ exon end- this attacks phosphodiester bond at AG 3’ splice site- linking 2 exons and excising the snRNP/intron complex to be degraded.
OH on branch point attacks 5’ end, revealing OH group there, which then attacks the 3’ end. This links the exons.
Ways to get multiple proteins from splicing?
Include or skip exons
Mutually exclusive exons
Alt 3’ splice sites (extension or truncation)
Alt 5’ splice sites (extension or truncation)
Intron retained (acts like an exon)
5’ splice site
Is vulnerable. Is part of DNA seq.
Vulnerable to being corrupted by mutation and being unrecognizable as an intron and then mRNA has an extra sequence (final protein is sig different).
Stop codons are…
3’ end formation of cleavage-polyadenylation is coupled to termination of trx by RNA pol II
Fx of poly-A tail
Enhances stability & translation of mRNA
PolyA tail is bound by poly A binding protein which fx. to remove poly A tail… RNA degradation key step
Alt poly-A tail sites
Most can be poly-A’ed in more than one way
IgM, poly A tail added at 2 different sites. HEavy chain or light chian. IgM.
frequently altered in cancer cells (shorter mRNA and escape normal regulatory mechanisms).