Transactions in Property Flashcards
The amount paid for property in cash, or the FMV of other property, plus expenses connected with the purchase (i.e. abstract of title fees, installation, legal fees, recording fees, and any amount hte buyer agrees to pay that the seller owes)
Cost (of property)
Property inherited from a decedent is always treated as this, regardless of how long it was held
Long term capital asset
An exchange of business or investment property for property of the same class
-Does not apply to personal use property, inventory, stocks, bonds, etc.)
Like-kind exchange
Money or property given not of a like-kind; includes any liabilities assumed on either or both sides of hte exchange
Occurs when money or other property is received for property that has been destroyed, damaged, stolen, or condemned
Involuntary converstion
The capital gains of this type of stock is excludable up to 50% for noncorporate taxpayers if the stock was held for more than 5 years and was acquired directly at original issuance
Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)
An individual or C corp may elect to roll over an otherwise curringly taxable capital gain from the sale of publicly traded securities if hte sale proceeds are used to purchase common stock or a partnership interest in one of these, (if witthin 60 days of sale)
Small Business investment company
Occurs when stock or securities are sold at a loss and within 30 days before or after the sale, substantially identical stock or securities in the same corp are purchased
- -Losses not deductible, but added to basis of new stock
- Rules do not apply to gains
Wash sales
Results from the sale or exchange of capital assets
Capital gains/losses
A type of assets that includes investment property and property held for personal use and specifically excludes property held in normal course of business
Capital assets
Offset capital losses, with any remaining included in gross income
Capital gains
Depreciable and nondepreciable property used in atrade or business and held for more than one year
Section 1231 property
Generally depreciable personal property used in a trade or business or held for hte production of income (ex. machinery, equipment, trucks, autos)
Section 1245 property
The gain from the sale or exchange of Sec. 1245 property must be reported as ordinary income to hte extent of the lesser of (1) all depreciation, or (2) the recognized gain
Section 1245 recapture
Any real property (ex. building) that is not Sec 1245 property and is subject to the allowance of depreciation
Section 1250 property
The gain from the sale or exchange of Sec. 1250 property must be reported as ordinary income ot the extent that actual depreciation deductions exceeded what straight-line would have been
Sec 1250 recapture
Requires that the amount of ordinary income on the disposition of Sec 1250 property by corporations be increased by 20% of the additional amount that would have been ordinary income if hte property had instead been Sec. 1245 property
Sec. 291
Tax form for Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets
Form 8949