Transaction Cycle Trouble concepts Flashcards
Bank Cutoff Statement
Outstanding checks and deposit in transit at year end on bank Recs should agree with Bank Cutoff Statement
Unrecorded Liabilities
Compare cash payments after B/S Date to related receiving reports and vendor invoices.
Transactions dated before year end should be recorded
Vouchers Payable Department
1) Approves Vouchers
2) Reconciles vendor’s invoice with related receiving report.
Completeness of A/R Ledger
Compare daily sales summary to daily postings to A/R Ledger
Credit Approval
Testing Valuation and Allocation
Auditor’s test of controls for completeness of sales
Trace sample of shipping documents to sales invoices
Accounts Payable procedures
1) file invoices and supporting docs after payment
2) Math calculations should be verified prior to approving invoice for payment
2) compare purchase order, receiving report, vendor invoice prior to approving invoice for payment
Safeguarding Stocks when independent trust agent is not used
Joint custody by 2 employees over Stocks kept in a Bank safe-deposit box
Test unrecorded disposals
Select equipment from the accounting records and then see if they are physically present in the plant.
Significant debits to Accumulation Depreciation explanation
Retirement of asset
Auditor’s recorded test counts are higher than the quantity client’s perpetual inventory records
Failure to record Sales Returns
Auditor’s recorded test counts are lower than the quantity client’s perpetual inventory records
Failure to record purchase returns
Auditing long term bonds payable
Compare interest expense with bonds payable amount for reasonableness
Scanning investment accounts just before and just after year end to determine if transfers are properly recorded
Trading/AFS/HTM are classified on the Balance sheet (Understandability and Classification) and valued at Market or Amortized costs (Valuation and Accruacy)
Inventory (Classification & Understanding) Testing
confirming inventories pledged under loan agreements