Tranfusion Flashcards
Universal donor
- can be safely administered to all blood types
- O
Universal acceptor
- blood type that can safely receive a transfusion of all blood types
- AB
- Tests for ABO & Rh-D antigens
- 5 minutes
- Recipient blood mixed w/ anti-A, B, & Rh-D
- 45 min
- Recipient plasma mixed w/ commercially prepared O RBCs that contain known antigens
- Compatibility b/t recipient plasma & actual blood unit to be transfused
- 45 min
Emergency transfusion of PRBCs
- Type-specific partially crossmatched blood
- Type-specific uncrossmatched blood
- Type O negative uncrossmatched blood
(most to least favorable)
Which blood product contains the highest concentration of fibrinogen?
Whole blood contains:
RBCs, WBCs, Plasma, PLT debris, Fibrinogen
FFP contains:
All coag factors, fibrinogen, plasma proteins
Cyro contains:
Fibrinogen, factor 8, factor 13, vWF
Pt w/ CAD should be transfused when HCT <
EBV premie
90-100 ml/kg
full term neonate
80-90 ml/kg
75-80 ml/kg
school age chid EBV
70 ml/kg
adult EBV
70 ml/kg
1 pack PRBCs contains ~ ______ml w/ Hct of ____
300 ml, 70%
Transfusion of 1 u PRBC raises Hgb & Hct by
- Hgb increases by 1 g/dL
- Hct increases by 2-3%
Additives in PRBC
- citrate = anticoagulant, inhibits ca+
- phosphate = buffer, combats acidosis
- dextrose = substrate for glycolysis
- adenine = helps RBC re-synthesize ATP
Most to least common infection complication from transfusion
- Cytomegalovirus
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
Acute hemolytic reaction
- hemoglobinuria
- hypotension
- bleeding
- fever
- chills
- CP
- dyspnea
- nausea
- flushing
- Acute tubular necrosis
- HD instability
- stop transfusion
- Maintain UOP > 75-100 ml/hr
- alkalinize urine w/ NaHCO3
- check plt, pt, fibrinogen
Transfusion-associated acute lung injury
- non-cardiogenic pulm edema
- high risk = *critically ill, sepsis, burns, post CPB
- caused by human leukocyte antigens & neutrophil antibodies in donor plasma (FFP & PLT contain highest conc)
- donor groups highest risk = *multiparous women, hx transfusion, hx organ transplant
- Dx = onset < 6 hr, bilat infiltrates, SpO2 < 90% RA
- MGMT = PEEP, low Vt
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload
- volume overload
- S/S = pulm edema, hypervolemia, LV dysfx, mitral regurg, increased PAOP, increased BNP
- supportive tx
Massive transfusion associated w/
- alkalosis
- hypothermia
- hyperglycemia
- hypocalcemia
- hyperkalemia
Trauma lethal triad
- acidosis
- hypothermia
- coagulopathy
Intraop blood salvage is typically used during
cardiac, major vascular, trauma, liver transplant, ortho surgeries when EBL expected to be > 1000 ml or 20% of EBV
- also jehovahs witness
contraindications intraop blood salvage
- sickle cell
- thalassema
- topical drugs in sterile field = betadine, chlorhexidine, abx
- infected surgical site
- oncologic procedures